Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Number One Evil In The Creation Part 1

The Number One Evil In The Creation 
Part 1: A Challenge (this post)
Part 2: Not Evil
Part 3: Loving And Practicing Lies
Part 4: Total Insanity

If we were to ask all those who have thoroughly read through (from cover to cover whether literally or mostly) and totally studied (whether academically aka objectively, or religiously aka as a claimed pious GOD fearing believer), to find out and understand what is actually a recorded implicit message communicated in the Christian Bible (as the heavily interpreted and translated text of the Holy Christian Scripture) regardless whether with or without references, either minimally or extensively, to the original texts, which all those who claimed they believe, proclaim (whether sincerely or in total self deception) that it is the inspired Holy Word of the ALMIGHTY CREATOR of all things, would they know what is among one of the most consistently truth about the ultimate number one evil recorded by the Scriptures?

How about you the regular readers and followers of this work, would you know what is this ultimate greatest number one evil recorded in the messages conveyed by the Scriptures?

But even more importantly, if I were to disclose it (and I will in this multiparts discussion) would anyall of these (i.e. either or both, those who have thoroughly read through and totally studied the Scriptures, andor the regular readers and followers of this work), actually believe my disclosure what this greatest of all evil recorded truth of the Scriptures is? Would you?

A Challenge

If the very obviously evident truth testified by and in this work is to be objectively and sincerely taken into consideration, by everyall who are still sufficiently sane and rational, they would (or should anyway) all be totally clear and definitively sure that all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the Scriptures (of whoever, whichever and whatever god, gods or GOD, they proclaimed themselves to be of from, andor whichever religion or sect of religion, they are of or from), not even a single one of these (of all those which today we have some records of what they proclaimed, whatever they claimed to know, whether little or much, andor whatever totally believe in) actually know much less understand, the message communicated (i.e. as a total complete whole message), recorded by the Scriptures at all.

Of course it would (or should anyway) be understood, excluded are all those whom were before the records of the Scriptures were completed (i.e. recorded in all its separated parts and compiled) to the time when the social order or civilization of humankind had advanced enough whereby these records could be fully compiled as a unit as two main parts (the Old and New Testaments records) to a whole or just as one.

And from then and until it would become practical for the completed Scripture records to be copied and distributed without too much difficulty, to all the nations of this planet, all those before that period (except for those few in possession of the full records whether in all the separated parts or as a compiled whole including the Spirit composed Angels for whom it was at least until the entirety of Scriptures was completed after the book of Revelation was recorded by the Apostle John) do not yet have access to all the Scriptures to be able to have a good understanding of its message as a unit whole.

Therefore the main thing is, of all those who laid claims to themselves being a proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the Scriptures from the period after around some two hundred years ago, not even a single person even remotely appeared to have understood what covenants are about (until this was discussed and expounded on by this work in 2011 C.E.), much less why the ALMIGHTY CREATOR GOD of all things would make covenants with humankind. This is actually something that surely must from the point of just reading and comprehension at a high school education or equivalent level (and never mind being brilliantly intelligent andor enlightened) alone, be an incredulously ridiculously unbelievable thing.

And even after this work had totally disclosed, explained and expounded on all these covenants and why GOD would make covenants with anyone or anything, all remained essentially clueless other than those who have read these things (i.e. all the truths disclosed and discussed simply, explicitly and plainly in explicative clarity) of this work whether they are from the blogs of this author, or from the reproductions of them in parts or in total (with or without, twists and spins added in), sincerely shared, or deceitfully plagiarized then used to promote someone or something.

So the question here then is, what do you think this number one ultimate greatest evil in the creation which was one of the most consistently recorded and implicitly communicated truths of the Scriptures is?

But of course anyone who truly knows the Scriptures would (or should anyway) totally know that the Scriptures are very consistent in all the things it recorded as pertaining to what is good and what is evil, as well as what are the things established including allowed and forbidden, by GOD in the process to complete HIS creation (i.e. will, purpose and good pleasure to do and to finish).

Of course too, I would not expect anyone to just be able to pinpoint or pick out just one thing from some many, so here is how to test or prove yourself (for your own self cognizant or awareness) in this challenge to find out or determine for yourself, just how well you actually know the Scriptures regarding all the things that the Scriptures recorded communicated and taught.

This challenge is not for me to test or prove you. And the challenge is definitely not for GOD to find out anything about you (including whether you actually know and understand what the Scriptures communicated) because obviously, GOD already know everything you know and don't know including every evil thoughts you have ever entertained, and evil communications and acts (aka sins) that you have expressed (i.e. committed).

This challenge is strictly for you to find out for yourself (unless you want to share it with others) how well and how honest you are to yourself (or conversely how totally you have been deceiving yourself). But of course if you feel you don't want to know or don't need to know, you don't have to (i.e. nothing is being forced on you, by me).

So here is (if you want to test, prove and measure yourself just how well you know the Scriptures) what you can do. Make a list of ten or even twenty (or to any number you want to) of the most consistent truth about the evils recorded in the Scriptures. If you want to, you can also list them in ascending or descending chronological order upwards or downwards of the most to the lesser. Then when the next installment of this multiparts discussion is published, check your lists against it.

But of course this is only if you firstly think and believe the Scriptures, followed by if you think you can believe and trust this work (that what is discussed is indeed the truth from the Scriptures and GOD). But never mind anything totally, if you don't for both. And if you actually do, as opposed to in ego gorging lust proclaimed that you do (as with the case of all those of the so called Abrahamic religions), you might also want to add other Scripture and truth (about the creation and the creature personages) challenges into your list. A good item would be what is the number one (or the first two, three, five or ten) biggest deliberated stupidity on a truth concept so as to not understand it, in the human social order?

Since you are at it, and if you are game, here are two challenges (i.e. more questions, which will be addressed and answered in the fourth and last installment of this discussion). If you have the answers to them (i.e. understand the issues and know what the answers are), then blessed are you (Matthew 13:16, 16:17), just don't let it go to head to become full of yourself and start behaving just like Apostle Peter (Matthew 16:22) and the Apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 12:2; Ephesians 3:2 – 5) did, and strutting around as all the ego supergorging proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives among the Elect have been doing (Revelation 3:17).

Question: Can't GOD create instant by fiat, creatures with freewill that already is with all knowledge and the needed intelligence built in to have already made the intelligent determination to not be evil?

This question by the way, was indirectly posed by the sole Messenger of the Church of GOD in Philadelphia and answered by him with a negative: his exact words, ‘Perfect Holy righteous character cannot be created instant by fiat’, this meaning ‘No, God cannot create perfect Holy righteous character instant by fiat which was why God needed two plans, plan A and another plan B, in case plan A failed, which it invariably did (meaning he proclaimed that GOD had failed before and has since then became totally sure that HIS next plan, Plan B, will not fail even though HE doesn't really know, because HE doesn't know all thing but is still learning from HIS creation going, ‘oh oh, I totally didn't know that was going to happen, so now what do I do?’)’. Apparently he created his very own very limited God (aka Idol) tailored to suit his agenda (one of which was so that he could ego gorge himself into massive stupidity) as also all evil religions and men (includes women) have been doing and hasn't stopped.

Question: Science claimed that the universe was created in a Big Bang some thirteen and half (which may be more now) billion (earth) years ago. Why? Why didn't GOD created the universe earlier when HE easily could, why only just thirteen billion years ago?

You can (if you so desire) check for the answer to what is this greatest number one ultimate evil that the Scriptures implicitly and also (less so) explicitly testified about in its records, in the next installment of this discussion whenever it will be published and the other two in the last installment of this discussion.

Previous Post   >   Status Updates 2019 C.E.
Next Post   >   Number One Evil 2 — Not Evil

Special Note
Please note that all discussions by this author are based on a general non expert assessment of information gathered from material published in the public domain (i,e, readily available to members of the general public). All of this author's discussions are presented as material for any and all lay persons with no special expertise. Anyone twelve years of age and older, who is not mentally incapacitated in some ways, would (or should anyway) be able to understand anyall the discussions of this author. No one needs to be an expert or a genius to be able to understand the simple and straight forward truths discussed by this author.
The main basis of all this author's discussions is the original inspired texts of the Christian Holy Scriptures sourced from material currently (at time of the posting) publicly available as ‘translated’ texts in numerous version of the Christian Bible with extensive references to the Strong Exhaustive Concordance of the King James Version (but not exclusively). The discussions' focus and contexts are with respect to this author's Christian commitment, worship and beliefs through the calling of ALMIGHTY GOD to the baptism of repentance into the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS of the Christian Bible Gospel's and the full New Covenant's accounts.
The referenced sources for all other religions and systems of beliefs (hereafter referred to as the Referenced Sources), are to materials freely available and published online on the World Wide Web and other internet service protocols on the Internet. These are published by either: the generally proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters; or the self proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters of such systems of beliefs and religions; as well as of all others who published dissertations and discussions on these systems of beliefs and religions whether presented as biased or unbiased discussion, dissertations or compilations.
The materials directly and specifically attributed to, as sources that form the basis to this author's discussions topics on other systems of beliefs and religions are by no means all the sources referenced by this author but just a small sampling of such information that are accurate contextual representations of what is widely published to discuss, proclaim, assert, pronounce andor decree as the so claimed truth andor the direct communications from the ALMIGHTY CREATOR.
Anyone who disputes the accuracy or truthfulness of the discussions, dissertations and assertions with regards to other religions and systems of beliefs (other than the true Christian faith and worship of this author) are requested to take the matter up with the Reference Sources.
This author at no point claimed to be discussing the original work of the originators of any other religions or systems of beliefs other than the Christian commitment by the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS. All discussions of other religions and system of beliefs are based solely on what have been published and were available prior to the time the discussion was posted, and attributed to the Referenced Sources.
Please bear in mind that almost all the Referenced Sources of nearly all religions and systems of beliefs as well as those who discussed andor compiled such material information varied their doctrines, assertions, claims (to accuracy, validity or authenticity) andor teachings significantly from time to time through the course of human history, as well as by their various and differing members of those who are the contemporary proclaimed and acclaimed experts, authorities andor masters of these knowledge, information, religions and system of beliefs, whether they are those generally acknowledged by the human social order andor those who claimed affiliations to these religions and systems of beliefs, or those who are self appointed. Therefore if anyone finds any discussion by this author on these religions and systems of beliefs to be inaccurate, they should refer back to those materials published on these religions and systems of beliefs that were contemporary to the date the discussion was first posted.

Last Updated: 2019 03 27
First Published: 2019 03 27

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