Monday, May 20, 2019

Bible 101 Not Trivia

Bible 101 Not Trivia
Part 1 Not Trivia (this post)
Part 2 Blessed Are You

Please be clear, these are not about Bible trivia but important things for the Elect of GOD (or for that matter anyone who is sincere to want to learn, know and understand the truth about the Scriptures and GOD ALMIGHTY) to know.

Why? Because (near) no one ever did (before this work) mention and discuss them, because they all never did note them let alone understand them. Or even in the highly unlikelihood (because near all being totally ego gorgers, they would have proclaimed their supreme spiritual knowledge and takes on them if they had) that they did wonder about them, they just could not be bordered to ponder them, as it would not serve their agenda to be able to parasite on (i.e. to feed on and feed off), their fellow humankind through ruling as the unquestionable proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of God, over them.

But even more important, it is because all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of GOD among the Elect of GOD, especially those of the last three eras (because this was when sufficient knowledge particularly the original text of the Christian Holy Scriptures started becoming available) of the Church of GOD journey's through the centuries, have not known about them let alone understood them and generally totally ignored them as irrelevant or too insignificant to be bordered with.

This is not to say that most to near all of these truths were not very plainly and clearly recorded and very easy to understand, they were very simple and easy to understand even without the original texts references or the momentum in the increases in knowledge of some two hundred years ago. But the prevailing irrational beliefs and fears (which some two hundred years ago began unraveling as knowledge on our reality grows) of the supernatural had confined, restricted and constrained (brutally enforced by evil religions) the freedom of thought and ideas, and consequently rational intelligent thinking.

By the way, near all of humankind today are still being constrained from full rational thinking, just that today it has been unbridled lusts of all sorts, more than anything else, have been that which constrain and lesser so irrational fears and phobias).

And for the exact same reasons of unbridled lusts of all sorts, near all the Elect of this day except those who might have read and actually believed them, either from the discussions in this work directly, or from those taken (from this work by some who have read them) then replicated and duplicated elsewhere (while giving proper recognition in attribution to this work), or plagiarized and stolen (taken without permission or the proper recognition in attribution, then passed it off as their own personal supreme understanding) by others in order to proclaimed these things as their own personal supreme takes and knowledge, with or without twists and spins added in. Yes, there has already been a few cases of the latter by this date (May 2019 C.E.).

And in case if you (the readers) did not know, that was exactly what the Worthless Shepherd of the Sheep (Zechariah 11:16), the second Messenger to the Church of GOD in Laodicea did with the truths and revelations (from GOD to this author, but you don't have believe this if you lusted not to) which were then shared (in confidence) with him (as a friend and a Brethren of the faith through the New Everlasting Covenant).

For indeed I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for those who are cut off, nor seek the young, nor heal those that are broken, nor feed those that still stand. But he will eat the flesh of the fat and tear their hooves in pieces.
Zechariah 11:16

He took them, adding in some twists and spins to them, then proclaimed them as his own supreme divine knowledge (regardless whether or not he attributed them to GOD or the HOLY SPIRIT). He certainly did not acknowledge them as coming from and through this author (as the one to whom these have been revealed by GOD), but actually acted (out of a lust driven insanity, not too different from when King David schemed to have Uriah the Hittite the husband of Bathsheba murdered) through his lackey (since deceased for his ‘apple polishing’ sins in ‘sucking up’ to that Worthless Shepherd), exactly as a thieving murdering robber would, to have this author permanently silenced (i.e. ‘put to death in the forever Second Deathfrom an intent context). He very obviously did not have the power impunity and authority to literally have this author murdered. Even King David didn't, and had to scheme of a way to do it indirectly.

Here then is a test (as a personal evaluation) for all who are reading this to find out (but only if you want to, never mind if you don't) how much you have learned and understand from the message recorded in the Christian Holy Scriptures. The answers (further down below) to these test questions are ordered chronologically according to the arrangement in the Christian Bible and also in order of time chronology.

01. Who was the very first Elect of GOD confirmed in the Scriptures as having lost hisher eternal life (aka had their name blotted out from the Book of Life). Who were the second, third and fourth. Who will be another three (explicitly prophesied as such, during the soon coming End of the Age).

There were also a few others not explicitly recorded but I will skip including them (you can list them all if you want tofor the moment (but may come later when my functioning and thinking improves to discuss them in the answers) as for a while now I am having great difficulty thinking (focusing my thoughts), remembering, reading and even just writing (details of these are in the Status Updates posts).

This has been happening a lot lately (for a month or more since) and were it not for my writing being not continuous, but with many breaks in between such that when I returned to continue writing from where I left, I had to reread what I had written to find out where I left off, I would not have realized this at all, at least not until I would start on the editorial checks and to embed the URLs. Also because I very often have difficulty reading so editorial checks by me are at best imperfect, at worst ineffective in correcting typing, spelling, grammar and other errors.

02. Who was the very first one talent (Matthew 25:24) man of GOD recorded in the Scriptures, who started out his calling journey by GOD as a one talent man. The concept of a one talent man is different from that of one with little faith, so don't confuse them. The former is not just about not trusting, but more of not wanting to comply, of just doing the minimum to the ends that if they can get away (through giving excuses) with not doing it, then they won't do it.

03. The very first blasphemy by a man whom GOD was calling.
Note: Near all the people of the Antediluvian Age (with the exceptions of Abel, Enoch and Noah, which possibly could be because not much was recorded of them and nothing recorded by them) were blasphemers, including Adam who blamed GOD for giving him his wife Eve. In the very summarized account of Genesis 3 verse 12, Adam was basically he was saying to GOD, ‘hey don't blame me for eating the fruit, you were the one who gave thw woman to me’.

But all these blasphemers were not being called (by GOD) in the sense or context as of one being called into the Everlasting Passover Covenant to receive immortality. Anyone taking andor using the name of GOD to advance and proclaim: lies, the practice of lies, and other evils as religions, and proclaiming and calling evil as good (Isaiah 5:20) are blasphemers.

04. The very first human being to be designated a Prince of the Kingdom of GOD.

05. Who was the first Prophet (by designation) to implicitly or explicitly refused to do GOD's assigned task? Who was the second?

06. List five (or as many as you wish) cases of deliberated stupidity (aka pretend ignorance) in the Scripture records.

07. List five (or as many as you wish) blasphemies recorded in the New Covenant Scriptures which were proclaimed by the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives among the Elect.

08. The first drama queen (or rather king) recorded in the Scriptures, and the first (but second in the timeline) drama queen (or rather king) who was an Elect designate (meaning called to be among those to receive immortality at the Second Advent but was during the Old Covenant period)  recorded in the Scriptures. Depending on your perspective there may be several drama queens (or rather drama king) incidents recorded in the Scriptures.

09. List five cases (recorded in the Scriptures) of implicit but very explicit (i.e. very obvious) ego gorging lust by the Elders (i.e. leadership) among the Elect of the Gospel and Apostolic periods.

10. List five cases (or as many as you wish) recorded in the Scriptures of twisting truths (either, those communicated by GOD, or those of actuality of reality) to advance themselves and their lust seeded, fueled and driven agenda.

Scroll down to after the images below for the answers.

Related historical Info:
18 “Restored” Truths of
the Philadelphia era Church's Messenger, Interpreted Version
(click to enlarge)

18 “Restored” Truths of 
the Philadelphia Era Messenger, Original version.
(click to enlarge)

Answers to Bible 101 Not Trivia:

01. In chronological time order: the Prophet Balaam (Numbers 31:8; 2 Peter 2:16; Jude 1:11; Revelation 2:14), Eli the High Priest (1 Samuel 3:11 – 14, 18), King Saul (1 Samuel 16:4; 28:6 – 7; 31:6) and Judas Iscariot (John 17:6 – 12). Then Man of Sin (2 Thessalonians 2:3, 8), The Beast (Revelation 19:20) and the False Prophet (Revelation 19:20).

02. Moses from when GOD  first called him until the time (Exodus 4:1, 10, 13 – 14, 24 – 26; 5:22; 6:12, 30) of the first of the ten plagues.

Moses, as also Abram (aka Abraham), were not exactly giants of faith when they were both first called by GOD, the opposite actually. But after being led and taught through hard knock encounters (i.e. experiences), both grew to become the giants of faith that all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the Scriptures (regardless whether the true Elect or the fraudulent identity thieving ones) proclaimed as such.

03. Abraham when he directly and explicitly questioned (i.e. challenged) GOD's righteousness (Genesis 18:25).

Fear especially irrational fears is an expression of lust, an all consuming lust. Fearing for the lives (itself not irrational) of Lot and his family after being told that Sodom and Gomorrah were to be destroyed, Abraham went into lust fueled mode (which incidentally affects all humankind, lust seeded, fueled and driven behaviors, that is). The primary and also main difference between lust and non lust desires, wants, fears, intents seeded and driven endeavors, is in the losing of perspectives. These are in the disregarding anyall considerations for the impacts and effects on others in all its contexts, and in the totality as a progression and a cumulative in escalation) and also in the scale.

This recorded incident also revealed (in a lesson example), Abraham's (excusable, because those were days of near zero knowledge of most sorts when compared to today) very limited knowledge and understanding about GOD at that point of time, which is (as all along has been) typical to all creature personages both the dust composed and Spirit composed.

We tend to cast GOD in and from, our own severely limited understanding and limited knowledge, of just what we have already learned and knew in all (including all we piece together to invent, using these as some basis) that we have encountered. Near all (I would say all but I can't know that because the overflowing of lust has many lusting after all manner of fantasized monstrosities as their object of sexual lust) who think about GOD, has an image of man in the conceptualization.

We can't conceptualize or imagine (includes, fantasized) concepts we have never learned about or experienced where there are no relatable basis from all that we have already learned and encountered.

Also, once we accepted (i.e. convinced ourselves as a validity andor desirability, especially when both, for whatever reasons) a conclusion, or even subconsciously accepted an idea value or concept of something as an actuality, we will retain them despite actually learning (or coming across) new knowledge which invalidated and proven those to be in error or false. This is especially so when over time a lot of our thinking and understanding (regardless with or without any basis, valid or invalid, correctly or in error) including imaginations and outright (i.e. what we know to be total unrealistic impossible) fantasies, have been invested (i.e. build on, build with these as part of the basis, and built) into these ideas or concepts.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God
Romans 12:2 

So unless and until we make, a determined fully conscious cognitive effort to rewire (which is one of the key parameters of repentance) our thinking and understanding, we will not just continue to believe in these things (because of our ego gorging lust and other fantasized lust investment) that are already recognized by us as not valid, but will continue to use and reinforce them (where relatable) as the basis to understanding newly encountered concepts, subjects and values (as what we actually believe in evident through our expression and pursuit of life, lust and passion), concepts and things.

This is actually one (not the only) of the underlying basis to the coining of the termdeliberately stupid (and all its forms)’ in this work.

One of the most classic iconic example of this is the very iconic (from being the definitive iconic examples to so many evils) Apostle Paul and his circumcision obsession triggered by an injury to ultra mega inflated egoSee also the discussion point immediately after this paragraph for another common self expression, where because our consciousness is unique to us, we tend as a default (which we need to consciously correct, if we are intelligent enough to want to be fully realistically cognizant of ourselves with regard to reality, even just our physical reality) to see ourselves as the ultimate be-all-end-all.

Near all the creature personages cast (envisioned in mind subconscious thought imagery and contextual conceptGOD as something equivalent to themselves (Isaiah 40:25) which they consciously hold (or so they proclaimed) as just being more powerful and knowledgeable.

But not omnipresence (also omnipotent and omniscience), as that is an unlimited and unbounded concept, this disclosure or assertion, may be discussed in greater detail in another discussionEveryall with average intelligent know the semantics of the words all powerful, all knowing and all seeing but (frankly) I have not met or read from (i.e. of all those who wrote about these concepts or about these concepts as attributes of God) who actually were able to clearly understand the actually to these concepts as a reality expression. The proofs for this, again, is exposed in all that they taught and proclaim (i.e. communicate) which showed or exposed their total clueless as to what these concepts are in actuality even as they speak about (i.e. communicate) them.

But subconsciously because of their ego gorging lust they actually subconsciously holdconcept image of GOD as lesser than them by default. If I were to ask you the readers how and where in their teachings and writings (in all that they had proclaimed, asserted, pronounced and decreed) were these exposed, will you be able to pinpoint them. In any case below I have discussed some of them for your consideration (that is if you have the eyes to perceive and the minds to understand).

All (unless they actually consciously in cognition admit to this default tendency of the creature, to then sincerely work to correct themselves) actually hold themselves (in ego supergorging lust) subconsciously and in many cases too very consciously, as the utmost (as the ultimate superlative) knowledgeable, intelligent and wise from the context of having understanding (yes even more than GOD).

Cases in point were: the sole Messenger to the Church of GOD of the Philadelphia era; and the great pompous brazen humility of ego supergorging lust for the whole creation to be witnesses to, of the Apostle Paul.

All the proofs are exposed in and through their writings (and all aslo that they had communicated in their lifetime and respective offices (Matthew 12:36)).

One: The Messenger to the Philadelphia era of the Church of GOD in great massive stupidity of ego mega supergorging lust proclaimed that (he actually, thus exposed his extreme arrogance of implicitly holding himself as already knowing everything, know thatGOD doesn't know everything but is actually still learning from HIS creation (implicitly saying that he already has learned and knew more about GOD than HIMSELF). He totally have no concept of GOD (as all powerful, all knowing and all everywhere) equating GOD to being a severely limited creature like himself.

“To whom then will you liken Me,
Or to whom shall I be equal?” says the Holy One.
Isaiah 40:25 

He also proclaimed (in his supreme doctrine of GOD choosing not to know) meaning GOD is not actually intelligent but quite stupid (as is implicitly proclaimed in that doctrine of his which expose his massive stupid caused by his extreme arrogance aka ego supergorging lust); and GOD is not all powerful (i.e. can't do everything), make mistakes (i.e. had failed before).

His biggest problem and sin was that he got so full of himself that he become so massively stupid that he might as well as have being completely insane vis-a-vis his cognitive intelligence (from focusing on just how supremely great and wisely intelligent he was he totally bought into everything Satan the Devil sold him, planted into his mind, he was no longer able to think rationally and intelligently as is the usual case with all those overtaken by ego gorging lust). You can read a real life, first person account (encountered by this author and recorded in this work) of one such case (as an example and sample living proof of ego gorging frenzy) in the post ‘Oooh I Am.

And two:
Hebrews 6:1 (click to enlarge)

Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God
Hebrews 6:1

In this verse (made unmistakably clear by the verses that followed in that passage) the Apostle Paul was basically saying and telling all (i.e. announcing and proclaiming), both implicitly and also very explicitly, to: ‘let us all move on from the elementary level teaching of CHRIST and advance to the perfection taught in my gospel of grace’.

Near all (i.e. I would say all but I couldn't check that many) Bible translators interpreted this verse in deliberated stupidity to cover up and hide, the extremely arrogant context of this verse. In the inserted screen shot I included above, the worst interpreted translation to hide the extreme arrogance of the Apostle Paul exposed in this verse and the verses that followed it, is the NLT version which actually amount to a total white wash.

The verses that followed, verses 4 to 8, very clearly had (i.e. showed) the Apostle Paul proclaiming and pronouncing that all those who won't move on to the perfection preached in his gospel of grace (meaning anyone who disagrees with and refuses to accept his teaching of the so called gospel of grace ) were falling or had fallen away, meaning going to perdition (‘whose end is to be burned’). This type of proclamations has been what all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of religion do, they threaten anyone who refuses to obey them and their teaching, with sadistic torture of hell (or for those among the Elect, perdition).

The Scriptural term fall/fallen from grace (Galatians 5:4; Hebrews 6:6, 10:29) was coined by the Apostle Paul and used solely by him (and of course the Christmas religion naturally immediately picked it up and used it as one of their main doctrine, because it was actually invented by their god, Satan the Devil) as his weapon of grace to ‘cut down anyone’ who dared to challenge his supreme apostleship as the greatest apostle.

Obviously “his gospel is the supreme gospel which leads to perfection” (while the Gospel of the Kingdom was only a basic or elementary one which unless disregarded as inferior for his supreme gospel would ultimately lead all to perdition), it naturally follows that his apostleship is the supreme apostleship. This was basically what he was proclaiming in Hebrews 6 verses 1 to 7, whether he understood or not (what he was proclaiming, probably somewhat just not fully) is immaterial to those who seek for truth to know and understand the difference between good and evil.

His total massive stupidity because of ego gorging lust, was that which kept him (Psalm 103:14) from perdition (i.e. from losing his inheritance in the Kingdom).

The Apostle Paul was also the only New Covenant Scripture writer who used the termbabe [G3516]’ (meaning child or infant as those who are still young) in a demeaning and belittling way and context (Romans 2:20; 1 Corinthians 3:1; Hebrews 5:13).

The Apostle Paul in his ego mega gorging lust implicitly but very explicitly, proclaimed that his own very personal gospel of grace was superior to the preaching (Romans 16:25) of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. And implicitly showing  himself as superior (in that he had authority to appoint JESUS as chief Apostle (Hebrews 3:1) as well as just about appoints (1 Corinthians 12:29; Ephesians 4:11) anyone else to be an Apostle (Romans 16:7; 1 Corinthians 9:5, 15:7; 2 Corinthians 8:23; Galatians 1:19)) to the LORD JESUS and GOD, both of whom he in great pompous deliberated stupidity pretended (Romans 6:16) to worship when the only one he, because of his ego supergorging lust, actually worship is himself.

Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began
Romans 16:25

When JESUS preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD aka The Gospel as the definitive message (Mark 13:10, 14:9, 16:15; Luke 4:18; Revelation 14:6from HIS FATHER for Christian to preach. JESUS during HIS three and a half years ministry as the SON of man, not once proclaimed the Gospel as ‘my’ gospel.

Whereas the Apostle Paul throughout his life time as an Apostle of CHRIST, continually did through preaching of a so called grace (as his own personal supreme gospel) which he proclaimed as having replaced the law and commandments so that Christian are not under law but under grace (Romans 6:14; Galatians 2:21, 5:4), and proclaiming that the repentance commanded by the Gospel of the Kingdom from GOD  (preached and commanded to be preached to the world, by CHRIST) was too basic or elementary for perfection. This the Apostle Paul did basically to show that his own supreme personal gospel of grace was far superior to the Gospel of Kingdom preached by JESUS and commanded by HIM to all HIS disciples (aka Elect of GOD) to preach to the whole world.

It should be noted that other than the four Gospel accounts, the books of Acts and Revelation, only the Apostle Peter and Apostle Paul used the shortened termGospel’ and ‘The Gospel’.

The Apostle Peter used correctly all accounts of the term either as ‘The Gospel’ or the ‘Gospel of GOD’ whereas the Apostle Paul totally into himself used both, but also added in his own twisted variations showing just how highly he held himself and typical of those totally full of themselves (which include all humankind and most to near all the Elect from since the foundation of the Church of GOD), which totally exposed just how little he respected and hold Sacred the ‘Word that proceeds from the Mouth of GOD’ (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4).

He in ego supergorging lust did that to magnify his work over the work of LORD JESUS, which he declared asmilk for babe’, (Hebrews 5:12 – 13) the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD aka Kingdom of Heaven (Mark 1:14, 15; Matthew 4:23, 9:35, 24:14, 3:2, 4:17, 5:19, 6:10, 7:21, 10:7) which commanded repentance (from disobeying, dishonoring and breaking the commandments and laws of GOD, to begin to sincerely honoring, obeying, keeping and performing them) which both JESUS and John the Baptist had announced.

in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.
Romans 2:16

Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel,
2 Timothy 2:8

Instead of the faith in CHRIST (to believe HIS testimonies) that leads to repentance towards GOD, the Apostle Paul proclaimed a faith in grace that is not under the law which literally and totally mean (unless we all also totally chose to deliberately pretend stupidity so that we can refuse to understand that not under law means) not subject to, as in not required to obey, the law and commandments of GOD.

Whenever the creature personages use superlative terms especially very superlative terms in pompous for show humility (such as being: not lesser, not inferior to, less than the least) in presenting themselves, comparing themselves, having a tendency to proclaim and decree rules and commands (exhibiting power lust), and a tendency to compare themselves in communicating, the root or base lust for these are always ego gorging lust. 

who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God
2 Thessalonians 2:4 

Ego gorging lust is an uncapped and insatiable lust which (if not consciously and determinedly checked) will without exceptions lead to the ultimate arrogance of holding oneself as the most supreme over all there is, and all there possibly can be (2 Thessalonians 2:4; Daniel 11:36), always with total deliberated stupidity included (as the only way and means the creature personages will be able to hold themselves as such, because of lust drunken total self deception).

There were so many very obvious giveaways to the Apostle Paul's ego supergorging lust but not even a single soul (until this work) even remotely noted let alone understood any of them. Why is that, that is the question you the readers would (or should anyway) be asking.

And if you the readers are effectively intelligent you would (or should anyway) know that the reason has been because all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of whatever (regardless), were all themselves totally into ego supergorging lust (meaning they were all without let up perpetually in a state of ego gorging frenzy). That is just how serious ego gorging lust is because the only check on it is a situation of total constant continuous ‘scared out of your wits or senses’ fear of any instance falling into horrific traumatic harm). There is no satiation point in ego gorging lust.

But they understood none of these things; this saying was hidden from them, and they did not know the things which were spoken.
Luke 18:34

If you the readers were to check through all that have been taught and proclaimed about the Scriptures and the GOD of the Scriptures (from since the beginning to this day), will you find all these (which has been and is being, plainly and clearly disclosed, revealed and exposed, discussed in this work) discussed by any of the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the religions whether the so called Abrahamic religions or whatever else there are, or even by those are from all the so called Church of Gods whatever, or even the one true Church of GOD at anytime throughout her journey from the Apostolic Age to this very day?

the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints
Colossians 1:26 (the so called mystery proclaimed by the Apostle Paul of which he proclaimed his mastery over in Ephesians 3 verse 4 was his supreme doctrine of gospel of grace, however that verse is valid in what were announced and taught by JESUS in HIS three and a half years ministry as a SON of man, and all that were revealed to the Elect who wrote the New Covenant Scriptures especially those recorded in the Book of Revelation. But the mystery referred to in this verse as been hidden and was being revealed did not end there but will continue on until the time of the prophecy of Revelation 10:7)

For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light. Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.
Luke 8:17 –18 (Take special note where it recorded ‘take heed how you hear’ and cross reference with Revelation 3:3 to understand where and why the Sardis era of the Church of GOD was dead right from the beginning and also where and when the Thyatira era ended and the Sardis era commences. The discussion of that part of Luke 8:18 is pending in another discussion covering the subject of refusing to heed.)

For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear
Mark 3:22 – 23

Question here is how many reading this work, especially those who are regular readers and followers, have been aware of this (prophecy fulfilled) since the beginning when they first come across and began to read the discussions of this workthat right here is another Scripture prophecy fulfilled right before their very eyes? I can tell you this, of the thousands who has since read the discussions of this work, almost all were totally clueless even right up to this day.

If you have noticed and noted, then blessed are you, but be sure to read the next installment for the reason. But did you know that that was not the only Scripture verse fulfilled right before the eyes of all those who read the discussion of this work?

Many of the posts of this work discussed prophecies that began to be fulfilled right off from the Apostolic Age in the Church of GOD of Ephesus until the Church of GOD in Laodicea?

Truth is this work has revealed and exposed at the very least over a hundred ‘hidden’ truths plainly and clearly recorded in the Scriptures (plus also those about evil in the creation, and many very basic truths and facts about realitybut hidden (Matthew 11:25) from all those who read and studied the Christian Holy Scriptures including all of the most supreme proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the Scriptures, GOD andor religions (all religions).

In just the one post ‘Keys To Unlocking The Mystery Part 4’ of the blog ‘The Holy Bible Expounded’ numerous hidden truths in the Scriptures were revealed for the very first time. Things such as: the doctrines of Balaam and the Nicolaitans what they were; what blood drink and food sacrificed to idols symbolized; the Passover is the New Covenant and not the Lord's Supper or Communion which were terms invented by the Apostle Paul to advance his agenda of not under the law; the symbolism of the so called Four Horsemen (i.e. the first four seals of Revelation 6) as a continuing series of events leading from the Apostolic Age; dualism and types in similitude (plural) and an actual (singular), events or personalities in prophecy; the beast symbolism as nations and people not recognizing GOD as GOD in a formal covenant relationship; and tons more. Even the very simple meaning of covenants (as to why GOD made covenants) was totally hidden until this work revealed and discussed it.

So then, here let me just add: If anyone has the eyes to perceive let him see and understand. That is correct, this work itself including the person of this author too are prophecies fulfilled. In the two installment posts on individuals and groups (particularly those of today or in our contemporary times) that are prophecies fulfilled before the eyes of the world and not a single proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of religions, science, academia, historic sciences and whatever other knowledge disciplines, even remotely had one single clue.

And even as some of the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives among the Elect (i.e. the true Christians) did note and discuss some of these they still have been clueless to their significance as prophecy, being primarily focused on gorging their egos and their parasitic feeding frenzy (Ezekiel 34:1 – 3) on their subscribers.

Almost none, especially among all those before this work, though by today, if you are very thorough, you might begin to find some from those who replicated this work whole or in parts and pieces (but with proper respectful acknowledgement in attribution) and those who plagiarized from this work, whether with twists and spins added or without, to advance themselves and their individual andor collective agenda.

And the Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing
Genesis 18:17

Abraham (or rather Abram) when he blasphemed GOD, it should be noted that even as he sinned when he questioned GOD's righteousness, his intercession for Lot (was intended by GOD, Genesis 18:17, 20) as the crucial element (Ezekiel 22:30) towards GOD sparing that man Lot who had loved the things of the world and refused to leave those depraved twin cities but stayed on despite being carried off together with all his family and possession as slaves, then was rescued and saved by Abraham (Genesis 14:14 – 16) the first time. But did anyone note what Lot did later after Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.

So it came to pass, when they had brought them outside, that he said, “Escape for your life! Do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed.”
Genesis 19:17

But his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt
Genesis 19:26

Then Lot said to them, “Please, no, my lords! Indeed now, your servant has found favor in your sight, and you have increased your mercy which you have shown me by saving my life; but I cannot escape to the mountains, lest some evil overtake me and I die. See now, this city is near enough to flee to, and it is a little one; please let me escape there (is it not a little one?) and my soul shall live.”
Genesis 19:18 – 20

That is correct, he became so totally scared out of his wits of wanting to live in cities that he would not even go anywhere near one, but stayed hidden a cave for the remainder of his life. Amazing how he was before that, so totally into deliberated stupidity because of his lust for cities (i.e. city living and city life) that even at the urging by Angels to flee to the mountain for his life he insisted he must go to another city.

Then Lot went up out of Zoar and dwelt in the mountains, and his two daughters were with him; for he was afraid to dwell in Zoar. And he and his two daughters dwelt in a cave.
Genesis 19:30

This (disclosure on the lust and consequential deliberated stupidity of Lot) is another very obviously, clearly and simply recorded ‘hidden’ truth (and there have been quite many) which this work had revealed and discussed (in earlier posts), which were all totally not understood by any of the lust fueled and lust driven proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of GOD, G_d, Gods andor whatever (until this work disclosed and discussed it, which is not to say they all now already do, unless they have read it in or from this work and actually believed). 

04. Sarah the wife of Abraham (implicitly recorded, Genesis 17:15). The second was Jacob (aka Israel) and then King David (explicitly recorded, Ezekiel 37:24 – 25).

05. The first was Moses (Exodus 4:13), the second Jonah (Jonah 1:1 – 3).

06. Prophet Balaam (Numbers 22:5 – 6, 10 – 12, 34; 23:1, 13 – 14, 25, 27 – 30; 24:1); King Saul (1 Samuel 15:9, 13 – 15, 18 – 21); Apostle Peter (Matthew 26:69 – 74); Apostle Paul (Romans 7:1 – 6; 2 Corinthians 12:1 – 6, 10, 19.....) too many to list all here; Bishop James the half brother of JESUS (James 1:27). Bonus point if your list have: Lot the cousin of Abraham; and Adam and Eve (who were the very first of course, going into deliberated stupidity to pretend that they didn't realized and therefore not to be blamed because someone ‘made or caused’ them to take and eat).

Note: Deliberately pretending stupidity or deliberated stupidity is always involved whenever there are twisting with spins added in, to pervert any truth (includes the Scriptures of Truth) so as to infused truth with lies in order to advance the lies as truth. That is the reason, besides his many other iconic titles, the Apostle Paul was actually the ultra mega supreme great grand master of twists and spins (of twisting words, concepts  and truths with all kinds of lust seeded and saturated inventions added in, to make them mean something else and say something else) and of deliberated stupidity

07. Abraham (Genesis 18:25)' Job (Job 19:6); Apostle Paul (Romans 7:7 – 10, includes the whole book of Romans and near all of his other epistles (whenever and wherever he wrote about faith, grace, sin, law, commandments, love, spirituality, carnality, meat, milk, testament, Jews, circumcision, etc.) where all sort of twists and spins were invented to preached against circumcision specifically, and the law consequently; Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 15:56) that the law causes sin and gives sin the power to kill; Apostle Paul calling the laws of GOD generally, and the Circumcision Covenant specificallya yoke of bondage’ (Galatians 5:1).

Note: The Apostle Paul was also the only Apostle of JESUS CHRIST on record to ironically preach about being Spiritual virgins (i.e. the Virgin symbolism2 Corinthians 11:2, in Christian doctrine) which is about not seeking after idols, pagan nations and pagan religions for protection and other material benefits) but he was the one who actually turned to adultery, whoredom or harlotry (Ezekiel 23:1 – 45; Hosea 1:2, 2:2 – 5, 3:3, 4:12 – 15, 5:4) through trusting, seeking and appealing to the pagan Emperor of Rome to save him from the Jews.

08. The very first one was of course Cain (Genesis 4:13 – 14). Joshua the son of Nun (Joshua 7:7 – 9) was the first Elect (from the category of those  who will be resurrected at the Second Advent) which of course was also blasphemous as he also questioned GOD's righteousness. He was not the only one among the Saints, but the others were under more mitigating situations.

Both cases were also expressions of deliberated stupidity.

09. Among the the Elect: the twelve Apostles (Matthew 26:36; Luke 22:24); Apostle Peter (Matthew 26:33 – 35; Acts 1:15 – 22); Apostle Paul (Romans 1:1, 2:16, 16:25; 2 Corinthians 11:15; Ephesians 3:4....) again too many to list all here; Bishop James (James 1:1; 4:7); Luke (Luke 1:3).

10. Apostle Paul in most of his Epistles basically was racking his ego gorging lust saturated brain trying to twist truths (both those from GOD and those about evident actuality  and reality) into meaningless utter nonsense as he tried to justify his evil blasphemous supreme doctrine that the law no longer applies to him (and all of his personal property his pagan converts) because of a so called grace that is through faith.

Trying to justify and cover himself (for not having his converts circumcised) plus raging because his humongous ego was pricked, were the reasons (Proverbs 10:19) he was the most prolific of the New Covenant writers.

He was basically (i.e. implicitly but very obviously) throughout most of his Epistles almost literally (but he obviously could not, even as he did in Philippians 3 verse 2 and Galatians 5 verse 12, as it would have turned away all his converts and be branded as a foul mouth low life) ‘swearing and cursing’ (Matthew 26:73 – 74) throughout most of his ministry, at the Jewish converts who had demanded that the heathens he converted be circumcised. Just take out (or pick out) all his writings about faith, grace, law and all the rest that have the context of not under law towards the argument of not needing to, and must not, be circumcised, and also those about being less than the least, spiritual and carnal, mature and babe, knowledge of the mystery, milk and solid food, etc., and you will perceive this clearly and distinctly.

#1 proclaiming that the law no longer applies since all have died in CHRIST (Romans 6:7) twisting the symbolism in baptism to mean a literal death in the termination and cessation of life, living and consciousness. Also in brazen total deliberated stupidity proclaimed that he was not sinning anymore (Romans 7:17, 20) while admitting that he was still sinning (Romans 7:8, 11but just that it is no longer him but sin sinning: ‘For he who has died has been freed from sin.’; (Romans 7:1 – 2): ‘Therefore, my brethren, you also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ’; (Romans 6:14): ‘For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.

#2 proclaiming that without law (i.e. the laws and commandments of GOD the breaking of which is sin) all will never die (i.e. will live forever) since with no law there will be no sin (Romans 7:9): ‘I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died’.

#3 proclaiming that the laws and commandments of GOD are evil as they give sin the power to kill (1 Corinthians 15:56): ‘The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law’; meaning that GOD created and established (i.e. instituted and ordained) HIS commandments so that sin could kill and humankind would die (or be under the penalty of death (again and again explicitly blaspheming, portraying and branding GOD as evil).

#4 (Galatians 3:17) ‘And this I say, that the law, which was four hundred and thirty years later, cannot annul the covenant that was confirmed before by God in Christ, that it should make the promise of no effect.

In total deliberated stupidity he proclaimed that until the Israelite were freed from their Egyptian bondage, there were no, there had never ever been any commandments and laws of GOD, and also Circumcision Covenant did not yet exist, ignoring in extremely brazen deliberated pretending stupidity the Scriptures on the Circumcision Covenant GOD made with Abraham (Genesis 17:10 – 11):

This is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male child among you shall be circumcised; and you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you.’;

and when where GOD said to Abraham (Genesis 26:4 – 5):

And I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven; I will give to your descendants all these lands; and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed; because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.”

Also in Galatians 3 verse 17, the Apostle Paul implicitly but very explicitly presented and declared that GOD as evil because GOD had destroyed all of the the Elect of the Antediluvian Age for no valid reason. Since if there was no law (as he, the Apostle Paul, proclaimed that the law only came into existence when the Israelite were freed from their Egyptian bondage: ‘the law, which was four hundred and thirty years later’) there was also no sin, which would lead to the only conclusion why GOD would wipe out that entire age and this would be that HE did it on a whim (without reason and justification) just because HE wanted to.

#4 Apostle Paul (Galatians 5:2 – 4) in ultra mega ego supergorging lust proclaiming and decreeing that to become circumcised will cause the Elect to lose their salvation (to end in perdition): ‘Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing. And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law. You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.

This by the way is also a very vile blasphemy against the New Everlasting Covenant, LORD JESUS and GOD to make them all into meaningless and pointless thing, with himself the Apostle Paul as the ultimate supreme god who rules arbitrary (at his whims and fancies) and absolutely over all things (because he can just proclaimed and decreed anything whatsoever that he lusted to proclaim and decree).

In that ‘supreme’ overriding decree of his (Galatians 5:2 – 4), the Apostle Paul has implicitly very, very (to put it mildly) arrogantly, basically proclaimed that the New Covenant which redeems and saves all through the death of CHRIST, and sanctifies all through HIS BLOOD symbolized in the wine, and feeds all by HIS FLESH symbolized in the bread, that all may receive immortality (John 6:53 – 54)) is a pointless, useless and meaningless thing (Hebrews 10:29; 1 Corinthians 11:27, 29) thereby blaspheming the LORD JESUS CHRIST and GOD the FATHER and the Everlasting Covenant. He proclaimed that everyone must believe his supreme gospel of grace to stop obeying (because to not attempt to justify means to not attempt to obey which is the exact same thing as to disobey; duh, how many billions actually fell for that ridiculously preposterous spin invented by him) the law and commandments of GOD and whoever just won't, they have fallen from grace and are going to perdition (which is exactly what his so called fallen from grace connotes).

#5 The Bishop James (James 1:27) to magnify his office as the Bishop of Jerusalem the headquarter of the first era Church of GOD in Ephesus, he invented (i.e. came up with) to proclaim that pure perfect worship (or religion) as per his supreme decree and declaration, is ‘to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the worldthereby invalidating through trivializing what the Scriptures recorded (Isaiah 66:2; Matthew 22:37 – 40; Deuteronomy 10:12). 

James essentially  invalidated GOD (Matthew 15:6; Mark 7:13) and thus blasphemed HIM while breaking the commandments three and one (Exodus 20:3 and 7 respectively) of the Ten Commandments, including also the first and greatest commandment (Matthew 22:36 – 38). Notice that he basically was doing the very exact same thing as the Apostle Paul, proclaiming and decreeing whatsoever (i.e. anything at all that) he lusted to proclaim and decree.

But of course the Bishop James has not been the only one to invalidate GOD, near all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of religions and systems of belief have been doing so ever since.

who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God
2 Thessalonians 2:4

Anyone who have ever proclaimed (includes declared or pronounced) andor decreed anything about GOD or the Scriptures which contradicts anything that was recorded in and communicated by the Scriptures has not just invalidated GOD but also has blasphemed HIS Holy Name and Holy Word, and basically have done the very exact same thing as both the Bishop James and the Apostle Paul, which is to implicitly show that they are the ones who actually are the supreme Gods who rule supremely and arbitrarily over all things (2 Thessalonians 2:4 only the part of the verse from the wordexalts’, the full verse applies specifically to the Man of Sin and Son of Perdition).

The key difference in the Man of Sin and Son of Perdition from all these full of themselves proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of whatever, is in the word ‘opposes’, the Man of Sin fully knows and understands that he is opposing GOD.

Whereas all the other ego supergorgers such as the Bishop James, the Apostle Paul, the Messenger to the Church of GOD in Philadelphia and also the current second Messenger of the Laodicea era, they have been just so puff up and full of themselves with ego supergorging lust (Matthew 16:6, 11 – 12) that they have become literally technically insane, becoming massively stupid despite being at the very least as intelligent as the next average man and this author.

2 Thessalonians 2:4 is another one of the many verses of the Scriptures which has, until this work discussed it, never ever before been understood by near all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the Scriptures (whether among the true Christians or all the rest of whatever religions andor god, gods and whatever).

The verse is more about an implicit rather than an explicit show off to show that one is GODThe context of holding self as above and greater than GOD is as through what we express (i.e. proclaim, pronounce, decree, assert and declare) and how we behave (i.e. carries and conduct oneself exposed especially in what and how they communicate (Matthew 12:34)). It is not about someone proclaiming literally or showing explicitly ‘I am the supreme God who is above all gods and all that is to be worshiped’ then requiring all to fall down and worship (Revelation 13:15) them. But that of holding and conducting self (in a conscious self view and self image) as the most supreme of the most supreme over everyall things (i.e. all that exist or can exist), in the ultimate expression ego gorging lust.

Truth is until this work discussed and expounded on it (i.e. in several earlier posts as part of discussions of those posts) near all who discussed 2 Thessalonians 2:4 (in any manner or context) they all always have the Man of Sin and Son of Perdition and The Antichrist (1 John 2:18, 22) to be the same exact person as the Beast of Revelation 13 and the King of Daniel 11 (Revelation 13:1 – 8, 12 – 15, 18; 15:2; Daniel 11:36 – 39).

No doubt near all were misled by the Apostle Paul (likewise was confused by the same) revealed (or rather exposed) by what he wrote immediately following on that in 2 Thessalonians 2 verses 7 to 12.

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2 Thessalonians 2:7 – 12

2 Thessalonians 2 verses 7 to 12 is about the Beast, the eight Beast of the Revelation 17 verse 11. The keys are in verses: 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 7, ‘For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work’; verse 9, ‘the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders’; and verse 11, ‘And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie’.

So here then is something to know and note (if you haven't yet) is that prophecies in Scriptures are more often than not broken up, distributed throughout the Scripture records and not continuous (with a few notable exceptions, the main of which are Daniel and Revelations, but even these are not totally continuous).

For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little.
Isaiah 28:10

Even the key dogmas of the Christian faith are distributed through the records of the Holy Christian Scriptures. That is one of the most important reason in the study of the Scriptures, we should read from cover to cover, Genesis to Revelation, several times over (including topic focused study, but only after the first few cover to cover reading). But bear in mind that even as the Scripture provided Scriptural guide to Scripture reading and studies was outlined in Isaiah 28 verse 10, there is still Isaiah 28 verse 13 warning which give us the context of Isaiah 28 verse 10 and that is to not add in our own interpretations and any pre-study biases and beliefs.

Not a single soul having even the remotest of clue (even as the Scriptures were explicitly clear) that the Beast will be a military and political leader while The Antichrist (1 John 2:18) and Man of Sin (2 Thessalonians 2:3 – 4) is a religious leader or head who took over the Church of GOD (2 Thessalonians 2:4, ‘....he sits as God in the temple of God’) and was instrumental in the Falling Away of the Elect (2 Thessalonians 2:3) leading them to embrace the Nicene Creed of the Christmas religion.

As an example we can see a Type to the Man of Sin and Son of Perdition in the high priest Eli (1 Samuel 3:18) who just could not be bordered with GOD's correction having the evil attitude (basically the attitude of a one talent man) of ‘The LORD can do whatever HE wants, I couldn't care less’. The things common in the Beast and The Antichrist (as also with the high priest Eli) are all being arrogant and full of themselves, all of them disdaining GOD, exactly as Satan the Devil disdains GOD (Job 1:9, Job 2:4).

Then Samuel told him everything, and hid nothing from him. And he said, “It is the Lord. Let Him do what seems good to Him.”
1 Samuel 3:18

“Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed.
Matthew 25:24

Some side notes: In the New Covenant period, the temple of GOD do not refer to the same thing or carry the same concept as that which the Old Covenant referred. The Old Covenant temple was a physical construct built to literally house the worshipers. In the New Covenant, the Church of GOD is literally the body of the Elect (led by the HOLY SPIRIT and honoring LORD JESUS as the HEAD, the keyword is honoring and not in rebellion against), collectively but also individually in another context (1 Corinthians 3:16 17, 6:19). The Church of GOD aka the Temple of GOD of the New Covenant is not a physical structure of concrete, brick and mortar. Anyone waiting for a so called Temple of Jerusalem to be rebuilt as a sign of the End of Age, may have to wait ‘until hell freezes over’.

That said, there will be a building where the Church of GOD in Jerusalem (at the Time of the End) gather to worship (on the Sabbaths, annual Holy Days aka Feasts and specifically announced Holy convocations), and also there may be attempts (whether by the pagan religious Jews andor those of the Christmas religion claiming themselves as Christians) to rebuilt the so called Temple of Solomon so that the end will come. (i.e. trying to fulfill their own take and version of prophecy exactly just as the Messenger to the Church of GOD in Philadelphia tried with Matthew 24 verse 14, and ‘totally fell flat on his face’ failed.

If you (those reading) have managed to get from some to most (or even all) of the answers, then ‘Blessed are you (Matthew 16:17, 13:16). Please note that the answers are just a few (not many, let alone all) that I can remember off the bat. Also I did not want to include those (for obvious reasons, and never if you don't get what obvious means and what the reasons are) that would need detailed discussions to expound on them so that the general non regular and first time readers can not get why.

Here is one test question which I didn't include: List five incidences in the Scriptures of attempts to flatter (i.e. to apple polish) GOD. The most obvious of these are those by the three friends of Job (Job 42:7, 8).

Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!
Romans 11:33 

And the most common statement of flattering aka apple polishing GOD was that by the Apostle Paul, which incidentally is the most common type of statements (either exactly as the Apostle Paul or with some changes in wording and phrasing but retaining the key concept of ‘unsearchable’ ‘incomprehensible’ and ‘beyond finding out as in beyond comprehension’) make by all those insincere, lying, flattering proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of religions who think they can hoodwink GOD by flattering HIM as they pretend to hold GOD to ultra mega super duper reverence, while they scheme and incubate their evil plots to grow, expand and enlarge their parasitic feeding frenzy, feeding on and feeding off all their fellow humankind.

The Intelligent Questions To Ask

If you, the reader cannot agree (aka if you dispute the answers to the questions) with the answers provided, please just skip this section and totally forgot everything you have just read and go your way, and (if that is what you want) be happy with your life.

The Scriptures, first the King James Version and later numerous other versions too, with a few concordances thrown in (my personal references being the Strong's for both the King James Bible and North American Standard Bible) have been available for over one hundred years. Tens to hundreds of thousands (or more) of related materials have been published on the Holy Christian Scriptures.

The questions then is why does it have to take a literal nobody (i.e. an average Joe like me who is not some proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of anything at all absolutely) to bring up and highlight all these (in the above answers to the ten questions of ‘Bible 101 Not Trivia’) recorded in the Scriptures?

How is it that all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of knowledge in today's knowledge powered social order (regardless whether of GOD, G_d, Trinity, Gods, religions, science, philosophy, academia, alternates of whatever, etc.), all those who weighed in and published their takes and discussions on the Scriptures and GOD, not even a single one actually even remotely understood most to near all of these (all that I have disclosed above in this post, and also in all of this work)?

Why is that? Is it because they were all just so too supremely supreme, too intelligently intelligent, too ingeniously ingenious, too enlightenly enlightened, too divinely divine, too holily holy, too gracefully full of grace, too virginally virginal, too lowly and humble, too spiritually spiritual, to be able to understand these very obvious, plain and clearly recorded truths? You go figure, but never mind if you totally can't!

Continuing in next post >>  Blessed Are You
■ Last Updated: 2019 05 20

Related Reads:
Contemporary Personalities Prophesied In Scriptures
Journey Of The Church Of GOD Through The Centuries
The Beast And The Ten Kings
The Church Of GOD Today
The Fulfilled Prophecies
The Prophecies Of The Prophet Daniel And Apostle John

Supplement Reads:

Other Relevant Reads:

Previous Post   >   Seven Days You Shall Eat Unleavened Bread
Next Post   >   Totally Random Disclosures: Q and A

Special Note
Please note that all discussions by this author are based on a general non expert assessment of information gathered from material published in the public domain (i,e, readily available to members of the general public). All of this author's discussions are presented as material for any and all lay persons with no special expertise. Anyone twelve years of age and older, who is not mentally incapacitated in some ways, would (or should anyway) be able to understand anyall the discussions of this author. No one needs to be an expert or a genius to be able to understand the simple and straight forward truths discussed by this author.
The main basis of all this author's discussions is the original inspired texts of the Christian Holy Scriptures sourced from material currently (at time of the posting) publicly available as ‘translated’ text in numerous version of the Christian Bible and extensively referenced by the Strong Exhaustive Concordance of the King James Version. The discussions' focus and contexts are with respect to this author's Christian commitment, worship and beliefs through the calling of ALMIGHTY GOD to the baptism of repentance into the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS of the Christian Bible Gospel's and the full New Covenant's accounts.
The referenced sources for all other religions and systems of beliefs (hereafter referred to as the Referenced Sources), are to materials freely available and published online on the World Wide Web and other internet service protocols on the Internet. These are published by either: the generally proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters; or the self proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters of such systems of beliefs and religions; as well as of all others who published dissertations and discussions on these systems of beliefs and religions whether presented as biased or unbiased discussion, dissertations or compilations.
The materials directly and specifically attributed to, as sources that form the basis to this author's discussions topics on other systems of beliefs and religions are by no means all the sources referenced by this author but just a small sampling of such information that are accurate contextual representations of what is widely published to discuss, proclaim, assert, pronounce andor decree as the so claimed truth andor the direct communications from the ALMIGHTY CREATOR.
Anyone who disputes the accuracy or truthfulness of the discussions, dissertations and assertions with regards to other religions and systems of beliefs (other than the true Christian faith and worship of this author) are requested to take the matter up with the Reference Sources.
This author at no point claimed to be discussing the original work of the originators of any other religions or systems of beliefs other than the Christian commitment by the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS. All discussions of other religions and system of beliefs are based solely on what have been published and were available prior to the time the discussion was posted, and attributed to the Referenced Sources.
Please bear in mind that almost all the Referenced Sources of nearly all religions and systems of beliefs as well as those who discussed andor compiled such material information varied their doctrines, assertions, claims (to accuracy, validity or authenticity) andor teachings significantly from time to time through the course of human history, as well as by their various and differing members of those who are the contemporary proclaimed and acclaimed experts, authorities andor masters of these knowledge, information, religions and system of beliefs, whether they are those generally acknowledged by the human social order andor those who claimed affiliations to these religions and systems of beliefs, or those who are self appointed. Therefore if anyone finds any discussion by this author on these religions and systems of beliefs to be inaccurate, they should refer back to those materials published on these religions and systems of beliefs that were contemporary to the date the discussion was first posted.

First Published: 2019 05 20
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