Monday, January 27, 2020

Life's Most Pertinent Questions

As someone intelligent (skip this post if you are not, or too damned supremely intelligent to care, both meaning the exact same thing, I won't judge you but I will still speak the truth) have you ever wondered what life's all about and even more important, what you are all about? Also, what happens to you when it is your time to leave this present life (i.e. time to die), when your time is up and your number is called, will you continue on (as some immortal soul in some place you do not want to go, or reborn as someone else or something else you don't want to be).

Is it really true that if you just only (and never mind that you lie, slander, defraud, steal, scam, plunder, rob, rape and do all manner of evils, then just brazenly declare "I repent", "I repent please forgive me God" or "Bless me Father for I have sinned"), believe in God you will go to heaven, otherwise you will end up in hell?

But Which?

And which God would that be? Is it that who is:

O-e (singular mathematical number or numeral 1), whose name and all references which denotes and connotes H-m must not be written because once written it must never be erased. The new spin and twist on this by some of the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of this (totally pagan) religion is that they do this because they just so totally hold as holy and sacred their G-d's name so they won't erase it so they won't write it but write something else which is not something else, instead. What will they do next, write almighty as a------y, holy as h--y, sacred as s----d, his as h-s, him as h-m, I am as I -m, who as w-o, whose as w---e, word as w--d, and scriptures as s--------s? Then to go more up (i.e. even further) writing 'God speaks' as 'G-d s----s', and God commanded as 'G-d c-------d'?

Two (could it be because it takes two to tango, who knows it is an unknowable mystery known only to the most supremely enlightened and greatest of Apostle of God) eternally existing individuals who must choose not to know so that people can have free will, then test them to find out what they will do; and though proclaimed as all knowing actually does not know everything and must still learn from His creatures going 'Oops I didn't know that, wow how totally awesome that he is so faithful as that!' or 'Oh wow, I didn't know that I don't know everything and must learn from the creation and especially from that totally so awesome man and greatest Apostle of God who knows that I don't know everything!'; and who cannot failed but actually had.

three-in-one (because of being the most monstrous of beastly monsters, as also in similitude all those who proclaimed such who feed off and parasite on humankind, just read the news of the last decade where after centuries of abuses, just one, all the others are still being silenced by the deliberated stupidity of the human social order, of these horrific abuses was finally splashed across news headlines of many nations) who very secretly revealed (so that no one know about it) to His infallible Bishop of Rome (proclaimed as Pope) that the weekly seventh day of rest, the Sabbath, must be changed to the first day of Sunday; that the Passover Covenant must be replaced with Easter Sunday, so that all who not obey these supremely infallible decrees must (whenever they can get the power impunity to do so) be hunted down and sadistically tortured to force them to obey this supreme defacto creed and if they still refused, they must be brutally slaughtered.

One with ninety-nine names who promised that if you kill his enemies for him you will go to heaven to have sex orgies with copious dozens of virtue virgins but only if you are a man. Too bad if you are a woman because you are just totally an inferior low life creature created just to satisfy men's sexual lust. But I guess sex orgies with one is better than with none (and no there are no vibrators in heaven because there is no electricity and batteries there, obviously because when the most supreme the Prophet proclaimed these things, electricity and batteries were not discovered or invented yet, so you can't have them now as it would be unfair to all those who went up to heaven earlier).

Here is the interesting thing about all those proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives who proclaimed the above O-e, Two, Three-in-one, and the ninety-names God. They all proclaimed that the G-d (whose name once written must never be erased), Gods (three-in-one), Gods (two) or God (with numerous names and promising forever sex orgies with copious dozens of virtual virgins) which they proclaimed is the exact same but just (from significantly to near totally) different God, who they all proclaimed is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but only theirs is the more and most supreme (aka better and best) version, the more original than the original version, the totally new and totally improved version. Well if being new and improved, best of the best, most original of the original, means more lust worthy than they all hit it right on the nail.

Here is a very, very tricky question for you, can you tell how and do you know how to tell that, theirs (i.e. the G-d, Gods, Gods and God) are different from one another, but more importantly from the ONE GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Or do you think that everything (including absolutely nothing) is the exact same thing (meaning, I am just talking utter nonsense)?

Oh yes btw, do you know virtual virgins (in all sizes, shapes and forms and agesare already being manufactured in China and many other countries, so you won't need to go to heaven to have sex orgies with multitudes of these anymore but you still need lots of money if you want copious dozens of them.

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Or is that really true that if you are good (or maybe you just need to only think that you are good) when you die you will be reborn as someone with a better life than you have now?

But what if you are Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, who will you (or they) be born as then, a male sex guru and sex stud with some billions of virtual (including those as young as nine years old) virgins in your harem? Wouldn't you like that, honestly?

And of course if you are a boffin scientist, we all know what you will be (or would want to be) reincarnated as, absolutely nothing (obviously as it is the most all powerful all knowing all everything and intelligent thing to be born as, absolutely), naturally. No doubt the vanguard of karma might protest that they cannot be reincarnated as Absolutely Nothing as they have not met the rigorous demand of righteous dharma-tic living through many reincarnations of good deeds and divine purity to atone for the evils they did in previous lifetimes (when they, as indeed all, must have started out as low life animals) and thus cannot attain to the supreme enlightenment of Absolute Nothing, but that is another story.

Can all of these be totally true, that all these G-d (whose name once written must never be erased), Gods (three-in-one), Gods (two) and God (with numerous names and promising forever sex orgies with copious dozens of virtual virgins) are all actually the ONE GOD who created everything?

If you think that then you are more totally insane than it is possible for anyone to be totally insane

Exactly as all the boffin scientists who totally believe that Absolutely Nothing created absolutely everything, are more insane than it is possible for anyone to be insane.

Exactly as the billions of humankind from as far back as around two thousand to some over four thousand years ago right up to this day who totally believe in to totally obey the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of these G-d (whose name if ever written must never be erased), Gods (three-in-one), Gods (two) and God (with numerous names and promising forever sex orgies with copious dozens of virtual virgins), who proclaimed these G-d (whose name if ever written must never be erased), Gods (three-in-one), Gods (two) and God (with numerous names and promising forever sex orgies with copious dozens of virtual virgins) are more totally insane than it is possible for anyone to be insane.

What if all of these are not true? Well for one, they all certainly cannot be true as they are all not talking about the same thing but very obviously and explicitly totally different. So either one is true and all the rest not true, or all are not true. How can you know or can you know? Read the (pending) post, 'Can You Prove That GOD Is Real?' for the answer on how to prove that the ALMIGHTY CREATOR of all things is real absolutely. It is actually very, very easy but I hope you are not that massively stupid as to do (i.e. to try to do) that.

How credible, really, are all these stories that someone told someone and someone told someone else, and someone else told someone else and on and on until today, or that these were written somewhere by someone many, many hundreds years ago, then copied by others who then added in their own twists and spins and lots more other stuffs so that they gods and these religions can be more lust worthy than when it was originally fabricated?

Shouldn't you verify these things or should you just believe whatever is (or proclaimed to be) from the ancients, just because they are ancients, considering if they were so smart how come there was no internet then and none of them who supposedly found a way to go to heaven (and do whatever they lusted to do there, including to do nothing, absolutely nothing) why didn't they being so smart and all then construct a communication system to talk to us here on earth so we have absolute proofs rather than some old wives' (or ancient men's) tale of lust to the maximum heaven and sadistic to the maximum tortures in hell?

Why would you just believe someone ancient just because they were ancients when they being so ignorant (from not even having basic primary and high school education, so forget tertiary and post graduate).

Imagine that, they didn't even know that diseases were caused by microscopic pathogen lifeforms; RNA, DNA, genetics, chromosome, genomes are the blueprint to define lifeforms; that mitosis and meiosis are the foundation of life on earth; that we are composed of tiny units of lifeform called cells; that the universe began (i.e. came into existence) from a Big Bang of whatever; or that evolution was the process that produced life on earth?

If you actually read (then perceived and understood) what they wrote (and taught), you will discover that they (all these ancient proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of whether the O-e, three in one, the one who with ninety-nine names, or all the others of numerous deities and all sorts of stuffs) actually believed that heaven is in the sky and hell is deep inside the earth. Is there anyone, but more important is, are you, still that ignorant today to believe such massively stupid stuffs? (Yes, I left out the 'Two' because the ego gorger who proclaimed a two persons God, was actually quite recent and not ancient, but just not today but again tomorrow)

They didn't even know how to build (i.e. invent): printing presses to print books but had to hand write their scrolls; radio and television (so forget the internet and social media) to better spread their proclaimed ultra mega supreme enlightened messages of heaven and hell; cars or computers (so forget airplanes, rocket ships and satellites). Now, how then can they really be so smart (supremely intelligent), so divinely enlightened as to actually know all those stuffs such as going to heaven to have sex orgies with virtual virgins forever? They totally have no clues of earthly things, why would you believe that they would totally know heavenly stuffs? But then billions today totally believe them. Are you one of these (but I am not judging, you do you)?

But that is just the tip of the iceberg of it. They (all these ancient and includes modern, proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of G-d, Gods, Gods or God) were not just totally ignorant of things such as microbes and diseases, electricity and high schools science (i.e. physics, chemistry and biology) so no need to mention electrons, protons and neutrons and all the other stuffs that are building blocks of the universe; protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals that are essential nutrients; RNA, DNA, chromosome, and genes the fundamental and foundation blueprint to the life on earth; as well as all the other stuff that are the basic and framework to our reality.

To me personally, this sounds not just suspicious but really, really stupid that someone (i.e. humans) ancient would know more than everyone today. I would definitely want proofs before I believe, how about you? But do you know that more than three quarters of the earth's population (of some over seven and a half billion people) all just totally believe these ancients or what the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of today of these ancients (i.e. the ancient andor original proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of G-d, Gods, Gods or God) have been proclaiming about these ancients.

Not only that, most to near all of these (who totally believe) have totally no clue at all as to what actually they believe in nor why they would believe in such massively stupid things. So how about you?

But you know what was the worst of worst?  The so called G-d, Gods, Gods or God which they proclaimed are very obviously and it is totally evident, that these G-d, Gods, Gods or God are inventions of theirs, seeded and fueled by their uncontrolled lust for power (to rule totally over others), ego gorging (as standard and typical life and living expressions of full of self narcissists) andor sex (either proclaiming sex as something that cause the so called fall from grace in the Garden of Eden out of their own obsession with sex and instead of repentance blaming sex for their failings {Romans 7:11, 17, 21; as a classic and an iconic example of self justification}; or lusting uncontrollably to want to have continuous mindless sex orgies with copious dozens of virgin female and totally loosing their minds so that they can fantasized that they will get to do so forever in heaven).

And here is one very simple question which anyone with any inkling of intelligence will obviously and automatically asked (and if you have never before asked this simple question before this, you would know why you never did, but I am not judging). And this is, is it really true that the ALMIGHTY CREATOR of all there is (the entire universe and more) really is like that, really exactly as proclaimed by all these proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of G-d, Gods, Gods and God, and all of their modern day proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives? If you really believe so I already know which one you will choose to totally believe in (especially if you are male), well obviously because the promised forever rewards is the most lust worthy.

Personally, I think they (all these ancient proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of G_d, Gods, Gods or God, and also all their proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives through the centuries to today, who proclaimed them as the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the G_d, Gods, Gods or God that they proclaimed) are just, from mainly to totally, scammers and very moronic and massively stupid ones at that but that is not a problem, as those scammed — which probably includes most of you reading this — by them, including the near total of some seven and half billions even of today imagine that, are even more moronic and massively stupid) out to get your money and whatever else they can get you to give to them (yes, include your life to kill and murder for them; also your wife, your daughters, your sons; basically anything they could want from you, should ever they want them from you) and that you do all their bidding (i.e. all that they ask and could ask you to do).

You don't have to take my word for it, just go check out what today all these proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of these ancients (yes, these are all in the news today, and in news archives and historical records, plus also from their own mouths all that they had proclaimed and have been proclaiming, on record even just on the internet) and also these ancients (from their so claimed religious writings and also historical records) have been doing (and don't believe these if you don't want to, just do yourself a favor and stop reading this work).

Or it is all over, the end of you just as if you were never ever born, never existed, ashes to ashes, dust to dust? Here, I do hope that you (the readers) know how add (i.e. add things up to get a final figure or conclusion) but if you don't you should have skipped this whole post and discussion right from the first sentence. You would have spared yourself wasting a few seconds of your (precious or not precious) time for absolutely nothing, as the only thing you (or for that matter anyone who can't put two and two together) can possibly gain by reading this is nothing, absolutely nothing, totally zero.

Have you, seriously I mean (i.e. wondered) and not whimsically? And seriously enough to spend months through years to decades wondering about these questions (not necessarily continuously but continually).

One would think that everyone intelligent would seriously want to know, especially when they can see their ends approaching.

Well me for one, I did when I was a tween (between eleven and fourteen) and sorta made the decision to pursue it when I am sixty years old.  Pretty smart thinking for a kid living in a tiny sleepy hollow town with one main street and three side streets, during the late 1960's, don't you think? And guess what, I am passed sixty now and I got the answers (but you don't have to believe this if you are not inclined to, I am not trying to convince you or anyone, of anything).

Actually, I wrote the answers in one of the posts (in another blog of this work) a few years ago, just not explicitly. If you (but only if you have been a follower of this work from several years ago) have noted it then blessed are you. I wrote a very concisely summarized one too right here in this blog. But I suspect neither of these, are going to be profoundly profound, awesomely awesome or intriguingly intriguing enough to be able to satisfy anyone.

But nope, almost (meaning there were some exceptions, me for one and others too perhaps but doubtful) none.

Of course there was King Solomon but he was GOD appointed and HOLY SPIRIT inspired to write the analysis and conclusion for the account in the Scriptures; while with me specifically, it is for this work.

But near everyone who has ever lived, haven't. Not that seriously, which means that if at all someone has (wondered) it was only whimsically. And that is indeed ironic considering that human beings actually are intelligent (and never mind that it is not obvious, rather the direct opposite is obvious) enough to be able to know and understand these things (but only if we can stop and cease lusting uncontrollably).

Of course, one of the reasons nearly no one ever has (seriously considered these questions) has been because there have been (or rather, had been) no apparent valid answers. The keyword being 'apparent'. In the past (i.e. before these last one hundred years) that had been totally true as knowledge has not increased to the level it is today.

That is correct, today beginning from some two hundred years ago (and especially from some forty years ago), the knowledge for us to begin more fully understanding ourselves and our reality began to be available for the very first time.  So if we really want to, and diligently search for the answers as to what we and life are about,  and why are we (humankind) here (on this earth, but even more importantly, living as an intelligent conscious self aware lifeform), can finally be known, appreciated and from sufficiently to fully understood.

Of course, the answers to: life what is all about and what it is for; and us what we are all about and for, have been there right from the very beginning (Genesis 1:26 – 28; Psalm 14:2; 53:2, no the answers are not in these verses but these verses are implicitly that we are intelligent enough to understand and know them) but the supporting knowledge to appreciate the (validity of the) answers were just not available until recently.

But it is, today, and has been for some forty to two hundred (just a ball park figure for when that knowledge began to be gained) years ago. We are living in incredible and unbelievable times, and very perilous (2 Timothy 3:1) ones for all of us. Oh, if only we actually know what is good (i.e. conducive to our wellbeing and to our forever) for us.

And I can tell you the answers right here but you won't believe it because it is just not lust worthy enough, not supremely super-duper ultra mega profound or awesome enough to be acceptable. But I will (hopefully soon), just stick around (i.e. continue reading this blog and this work) but only if you want to.

Lust Worthy Profound And Awesome Answers

If you (the readers) are looking for profound andor awesome answers to these questions (posed at the beginning of this post) you need to go find all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of humankind who proclaim, declare, pronounce and decree profound and awesome things.

This work (and also this author) only focuses on simple (i.e. not difficult to understand) things that any average person can understand and know, which has been why this work does not ever "go viral" and hardly anyone would bother to read through (i.e. to the end of) even just one post, let alone, most to all, of them. But that is a good thing.

I generally don't like lust driven people (not excluding myself here) but just have to accept andor bear with them. The massively stupid (not to mention very evil) things they believe in and subscribe (includes, will believe in and subscribe) to, plus also arrogantly proclaim and declare (as well as, will proclaim and declare) while thinking to themselves just how incredibly awesome and supremely great they are because they proclaimed and declared them make me feel uneasy like I am dealing with the insane.

I don't hate nor disdain them but just the very evil and massively stupid stuffs that they proclaim andor subscribe to, while strutting around as if they are the most ultra mega super supreme intelligent enlightened genius because of the things they can proclaim (or that they believe in and subscribe to having totally bought into these, hook, line and sinker from some massively stupid lust driven andor evil parasitic proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives).

And I haven't met one person yet who isn't lust driven to some degrees. I said this not to throw shade on (or dis) anyone, but because it is the truth.

It is confirmed in the Scripture of Truth, recorded not just once, not twice but three times. Actually many times more than three, if we will not be rules based hairsplitters. So it is not just me saying it. But of course you don't have to believe me or the Scripture of Truth (i.e. GOD) if you lusted totally to refuse to.

But since everyone is like that (just that some are less, others are more and others still, near totally lust driven), no one really should take offense but I am sure all will, which of course again totally prove my point.

But in case anyone can't figure it out (not that it is that hard, but lust driven people are prone to lusting, if you, especially if you are a regular reader of this work, don't believe this just list out all the things you believed in before you began reading this work and be honest for once so as to be able to measure the scale or degree of your ego gorging lust) how that everyone will take offense would prove the point that everyone is lust driven, let me just run through that one more time (because I have discussed it many times in this work).

It is very simple, if I say something about you (that you don't like) that is true (because it is not flattering but the opposite) you would accept it, but of course you won't unless it is something flattering.

Now everyone intelligent would (or should anyway) know that refusing to accept the truth amounts to choosing to believe lies. And the only reason anyone intelligent would choose to believe lies is because they lusted totally and uncontrollably to.

Now that I have offended (i.e. make you feel attacked) andor pissed off (i.e. infuriated) near all of you (readers) reading this post (and believe me, it is no loss to me if you stop reading), let me just explain to all the diehard stubborn hangers on, bless them (if there are still anyone reading up to this point) why I will need to go into a lengthy discussion just to make the case for the simple answers (to the questions posed at the beginning of this post) so that it can be appreciated for its validity.

The regular readers or followers of this work (if there are still any left at this time) would (or should anyway) know that most of the things discussed and expounded on in this work are simple (i.e. any person of average intelligent can understand them), plain and clear (i.e. not locked and hidden away so that it cannot and can never be retrieved, noticed, perceived or noted), obvious (i.e. very evident) and not difficult to comprehend (i.e. not complicated and confusing).

There are no awesome and profound stuff here in this work that are lust worthy (i.e. worthy of the insatiable lust), of humankind.

No awesome stuff such as: absolutely nothing creating absolutely everything; parallel universes oozing through wormholes to create new parallel universes; magic particles that can exist and not exist either at will or spontaneously; that if anyone believe me and do all my bidding which I will proclaim as doing the will of God, they will all go to heaven when they die, but and only after they die, to have mindless sex orgies with copious dozens of virtual virgins forever; and all these types of awesome lust worthy stuffs.

No profound stuffs such as: God has to choose not to know (or to not know) what we are going to do so that we all can have freewill (a doctrine invented and proclaimed by the (sole) Messenger to the Church of GOD in Philadelphia and adopted as God's truth by the second Messenger to the Church of GOD in Laodicea, among others); God gave us laws so that He can convict and condemn us of sin then gracefully give us grace so that we can forget about those laws that He gave us to convict and condemned us of sin (doctrine of the lowest least and thus the greatest Apostle of CHRIST, the Apostle Paul); and all these types of profound lust worthy stuffs.

I hope I have made my case (which is that everyone is basically too lust driven to care for, so never mind appreciate, simple truths) why I need to go into a lengthy discussion just so as to make the case for the simple answers to the questions of life what it is all about and for, and us what we are all about and for, such that the simple answers can be appreciated for its validity.

It does not matter to me whether you believe andor believe me. My job and responsibility is to share (not teach, I am not a teacher or anything, but just average and ordinary) what I have learned and been given to understand. What the readers who read it does with it, that is their business and responsibility, not mine.

The (lengthy) discussions (if anyone still reading is actually interested) to make the case for the answers to the questions posed at the beginning of this post will eventually be posted sometime in the future in this blog in posts discussing reality and life. These are things that all those who are intelligent would (or should anyway) know but not really.

But did you know that as of circa 2010 C.E. (see the discussion The Big Bang For Real in this blog) the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of science (i.e. scientists generally, not necessarily all scientists) had already very loudly, brazenly and arrogantly (but implicitly in massive stupidity) proclaimed and declared that they have already have all the answers (to everything, every question that can ever be asked).

Science Already Has All Answers

Do you (the reader) realize and know that beginning from circa 2010 C.E. the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of science (i.e. scientists aka boffins, generally not absolutely) implicitly proclaimed and declared that they already have all the answers to everything (i.e. all questions that can possibly be asked).

This is not to say that they actually know that they had implicitly proclaimed and declared this. Because like all lust seeded, fueled and driven members of humankind, scientists are essentially and effectively mega ego gorgers who almost all the time that they look in the mirror, they will be indulging in an ego mega gorging frenzy. And exactly as ego gorgers, they are basically clueless as to what they are or have been proclaiming and declaring.

Ask a typical proclaimed and acclaimed Superlative scientist or any of their zombied minions (this by the way, is a parody so don't take it literally):

Q: What is the purpose of life, life what is it about?
A: Nothing, Absolutely Nothing.

Q: What is the whole scheme of things (i.e. everything that exist) all about?
A: Nothing, Absolutely Nothing.

Q: What are we (humankind) here for?
A: For nothing, Absolutely Nothing.

Q: How did it all (everything aka the universe) began?
A: From nothing, Absolutely Nothing.

Q: How will it all (everything aka the universe) end?
A: In nothing, Absolute Nothing.

Q: If that is the case then wouldn't science and scientists be nothing and about nothing, and knows nothing, Absolutely Nothing?
A: No! We are everything, absolutely everything that is awesome, just awesome, and we know absolutely everything.

Isn't science and scientists just simply totally incredulously awesome having the answers to everything, absolutely everything?

They totally absolutely know that absolutely nothing being totally absolutely nothing has absolutely to be very, very powerful. Powerful beyond the human minds to imagine just how powerful (i.e. mind boggling powerful).

And of course absolutely nothing being absolutely nothing it must also be absolutely everywhere. That is of course the very reasons absolutely nothing can be absolutely nothing otherwise there is just no way it can be absolutely nothing.

They also totally know that aside from being very, very mind boggling (all) powerful, absolutely nothing being absolutely nothing must also absolutely be very, very ingeniously intelligent knowing absolutely everything (otherwise how will it be able to create everything), mind boggling intelligent.

This is because it, totally absolutely nothing being totally absolutely nothing, knew right off the bat when it/they spontaneously decided or didn't decide (which of course, it and they, decided and didn't decide, all mean the same thing, they must because it is just so very awesome and profound, no other explanation needed) to become everything (i.e. our universe), that some thirteen to fourteen billion (earth) years later (after it then expanded but not exploded), the process will absolutely produce the absolutely awesome scientists on earth who will being absolutely awesome will totally understand that everything was all from totally awesome absolutely nothing and finally absolutely nothing will be recognized and be worshiped as Creator God.

Wow, double wow and triple wow, just how incredibly awesome and profound, we must all fall down and worship the men (includes women) of science for their awesomeness.

Life's Most Pertinent Questions

Did you know that in the Scripture records, there was an attempt by the wisest or most effectively intelligent (and consequently also the most stupid) man who had ever lived to answer these questions. And his conclusion was that it (life and living) is all in vain or just vanity (i.e. pointless or fruitless). Would you agree?

He, however was living in an ancient time (with no internet, Google and social network, can you believe that) when knowledge was mostly (more than ninety percent) from first person encounters. There were no libraries of knowledge or books where the accumulated knowledge from of all those before and up to that contemporary time, were recorded and could be passed on.

There were no national (so forget international) institutionalized education and research, so everything a person knows are mostly from personal interactive encounters (included learned, passed down from their parents and predecessors) and the rest from accounts of conversation exchanges on a personal level.

Even the records of the Scriptures available then were just the first five books of Moses. So it is totally understandable that that was the only conclusion that can be validly drawn (based on such limited knowledge) at best by anyone.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments,
For this is man’s all.
For God will bring every work into judgment,
Including every secret thing,
Whether good or evil
Ecclesiastes 12:13 – 14

And appropriately and correctly, he concluded that the only thing to do was to fear GOD and completely obey HIM, as death followed by the Judgment is one of the certainty of life in those times and also it is to this day. Oh yes, you don't have to believe this one too, if you do not want to.

However with the growth of knowledge to the scale of what it is today, even an average teenage or young adult (or for that matter an old geezer with a century of life behind them), all would find the wisest man who had ever lived's concluded answers at the very best, lacking.

So what answers would satisfy you? Would only lies, that are addressed at, to totally satiate your lusts for profound andor awesome things, be good enough for you? Or you just couldn't be bothered (i.e. couldn't care less).

And that is the point, everyone really doesn't care for the answers nor for the truth, they just want to pursue all that they lusted after and for.

We look at the news with all the crime and destructive living (including violent conflicts both on a personal level, and those of social, economic, religious and political level), and we think how evil and how stupid these people are, respectively. But the real truth is those of us who are not like that are not like that only in degree, because at the fundamental most primarily level we are all like that.

Unless we made the real (not New Year resolution types) commitment to not be like that, then unwavering following up on the commitment at all instances and time.

But no one or near no one, does that (make such unwavering commitment) except in areas of their lust seeded, fueled and driven pursuits for fun (anything that they enjoy), fame (to be popular andor idolize), power (to rule over others, from just one other to as many as they can), glory (to feel superior, supreme, great andor awesome in anyall category), financial prosperity (wealth and all the trappings of wealth), etcetera (anyall things that they lusted after). For one thing it is too hard, but the real reason is because there is evidently nothing to be gained from doing that except just more grieve for ourselves. The keyword is of course "evidently".

This by the way, has been why this author has been having so much (Psalm 71:20) grieve (i.e. affliction and distress). Again, you don't have to believe this if you don't want to.

What Does All These (Discussed Above) Translate As

Life what it is all about, the answer is there (or rather, here already). The answers of us what we are all about, is there (or rather, here already).

Whether there is or will be, a forever for us, humankind, the answers (which may not be the answers you want because you want something more lust worthy) has been there for thousands of years.

But if we were to look at all those who proclaimed of a forever (in heaven, hell or some other places) which billions (well over more than half of the seven and a half billions of 2020 C.E.) today subscribe to and believe (as the truth from GOD, their God/Gods, and other deities or things), these all have totally different stories, which they all come up with (i.e. their own takes and versions).

Let me make it simple for you (which you don't have to believe if you don't want to). Some four thousand and more years ago, there were just two main versions of a forever (after they die) for humankind. One is from the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The other from all sorts of other Gods, Goddesses and other ethereal objects and stuffs.

Then some two thousand years ago, a SON of man (whom today history, both secular and religious, know as JESUS CHRIST) came and reiterated (i.e. reaffirmed and confirmed) the version from the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

But some three hundred years later, someone else came along (supported by a group of people who worship and hailed him as their leader) got through to the Emperor of (ancient) Rome (an ancient empire) to endorse his new (spin or) version of a forever from that of the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Then in some less than three hundred years after that, yet another came along, managed to convince many (with lust worthy promises of carnal pleasures in heaven and threats of torture in hell, plus military and political power to conquer, plunder and rape) to support him with his newer (spin or) version of a forever very similar (just with even more lust worthy stuffs) to the previous (mentioned in the two preceding paragraphs) who came up with a new (spin or) version, some less than three hundred years earlier.

But the unsettling (i.e. doesn't make any rational sense, which of course is not a consideration, they just have to be more lust worthy) thing is both these proclaimed that theirs are actually the first version, the better version andor the more original version of the forever from the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Not just first but better, but also new and improved (obviously because the first version does not have any lust worthy stuff but instead has demanding requirements of denying lust, not seeking to harm others and seeking truth as opposed to inventing lust bloated lies so as to be able to with impunity abuse, plunder, rape, torture and slaughter others sadistically, etc.) to give them more tools and weapons (in their doctrines) to frighten (with a horrific hell  deep in the earth of endless eternal sadistic tortures and torment, for all those who won't believe to totally obey them) and to tempt (with a forever in heaven up in the sky of endless eternal lust satisfying carnal pleasures, for all those who totally believe and obey them).

And sure enough, billions today (a combined total of over half of the earth's population of over seven and a half billions today in 2019 C.E.) subscribe to these two newer (includes all their never ending chains of even newer versions and variants) more lust worthy versions.

They also seek to wipe out (issuing decrees to forbid on pains of torture and a brutal death) the first version's practice of worship and the honoring their Covenant with the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They do this apparently (which you don't have to believe if you plainly just refuse to) so that no one will find out that their versions are not the same source (but just plagiarizing some terms and concepts) but are something else altogether. And all their zombied minions (which could be you reading this) for centuries to this day, they all just licked, sucked and swallowed them (these massively stupid but totally lust worthy lies) all up.

And then of course there were all the others, from all sorts of Gods and Goddess (i.e. deities and whatnot, including from just totally absolutely nothing) all of which today also have new (spins or) versions, some very imaginative (i.e. more lust worthy) ones as well.

While some of these new (spins or) versions make the claims that they are of those from four thousand and more years ago, all of these are mostly a free for all (i.e. anyhow invent and spin, their own versions) story. It will make no difference if you just come up with your own, then pick and choose some from the older versions to formulate your own preferred lust worthy answers.

If you want to go with these for your lust worthy answers, it will be not too different from going to a bookshop or to Amazon (the internet company) website and pick up some fictions (Marvels and DC comics, highly recommended) from a list of millions, then spin your very own lust worthy versions and answers of life and forever. Your choice, just make it good, filled to overflowing with lust of all sorts. Why settle for less when you can have more?

Now seriously, what do you think? Do answers to whether there is going to be a forever for you (and how this forever will be like, depending on what you do in this life) beyond this temporary life (of from some seconds or minutes to some one hundred and twenty years, depending on how long you managed to stay alive) be important? Or it is good enough to just believe whatever is lust worthy and never mind that they are stupid utter nonsense and lies spun (or crafted) to get you to obey and give money (among other things they tell you that you must give to them or get for them, including to murder, plunder and rape for them) to those who proclaimed these lust worthy lies?

Aren't these important things to know? If you being intelligent can know these answers to a certainty or even to just a near (i.e. ninety percent and more) certainty (because obviously you don't feel comfortable with the answers as you are accustomed to more lust worthy stuffs), would you seek for these answers?

Apparently not (at least not until you have read this, but seriously even after, it remains doubtful), cause almost no one really bothers to search for the answers and if there are any who wondered, it has been only done whimsically. Let's be clear, here I mean serious and rational search not invent lust worthy answers. No one really wants to know the truth, they all just wants answers (not truth) that can satisfy their lusts for awesome andor profound proclamations and assertions.

This has been why for the entire duration of human existence (whether some six thousand years, hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years, depending on which belief systems you subscribe to) humankind to this day, subscribes to all manner of ridiculous belief systems, even very moronic ones.

That has also been why all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the human social of all knowledge disciplines and belief systems can continue to proclaim massively stupid things and all their zombied minions and all the oooohahlers among humankind will go "Ooooh how so, so amazing, how so totally awesome; waaaah what a super duper genius, how absolutely profound", then fall down before them licking up their vomits (all that they spewed out, proclaimed, declared and asserted, from their exalted hearts).

The Simple Summary 

Here then, I have again put very simply (i.e. shared what I have learned and know) in explicative clarity what are the things that anyone intelligent would know and need to consider if they want answers to some of life's most pertinent questions (for those wanting to know the truth, not for those who want lust worthy answers).

What you do with these is up to you. Will you seriously consider these questions and look for the answers that are true and valid? That is your responsibility to yourself (includes to those you love and care about).

To be sure I will (given time, and by the grace and mercy of GOD) discussed the answers, first building the case for the simple and plain answers to be appreciated as valid. Because that is my job, my responsibility to the GOD who called me and blessed me abundantly in the midst of my afflictions (Psalm 34:19; 119:50).

Next in this intelligent comprehension series of discussion, I will discuss the answers (or refutation of this work) to the assertions proclaimed and declared by the supremely ingeniously brilliant non religious proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of knowledge enlightenment (i.e. atheists, astrophysicists, contemporary mutationists, and boffin scientists) that this life is all there is (and thus all those who can plunder, rape and do whatever else they lusted to do, should totally do so at every opportunity because they only got one relatively short life time to do them, no reason not to get the maximum you can out of your one and only life) because we all (the entire universe) is just the product of totally absolutely nothing or a dense ball of whatever which had some thirteen to fourteen (or earlier or longer later) billion earth years ago, without any sense or reason spontaneously expanded but totally not exploded.

■ Updated: 2021 01 05

Related Reads:
What Is The Creation Or Why Are We Here

Supplementary Reads:

Other Relevant Reads:

Previous Post   >   Presumptuous Arrogance
Next Post   >   Status Updates 2020 C.E.

Special Note
Please note that all discussions by this author are based on a general non expert assessment of information gathered from material published in the public domain (i,e, readily available to members of the general public). All of this author's discussions are presented as material for any and all lay persons with no special expertise. Anyone twelve years of age and older, who is not mentally incapacitated in some ways, would (or should anyway) be able to understand anyall the discussions of this author. No one needs to be an expert or a genius to be able to understand the simple and straight forward truths discussed by this author.
The main basis of all this author's discussions is the original inspired texts of the Christian Holy Scriptures sourced from material currently (at time of the posting) publicly available as ‘translated’ text in numerous version of the Christian Bible and extensively referenced by the Strong Exhaustive Concordance of the King James Version. The discussions' focus and contexts are with respect to this author's Christian commitment, worship and beliefs through the calling of ALMIGHTY GOD to the baptism of repentance into the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS of the Christian Bible Gospel's and the full New Covenant's accounts.
The referenced sources for all other religions and systems of beliefs (hereafter referred to as the Referenced Sources), are to materials freely available and published online on the World Wide Web and other internet service protocols on the Internet. These are published by either: the generally proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters; or the self proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters of such systems of beliefs and religions; as well as of all others who published dissertations and discussions on these systems of beliefs and religions whether presented as biased or unbiased discussion, dissertations or compilations.
The materials directly and specifically attributed to, as sources that form the basis to this author's discussions topics on other systems of beliefs and religions are by no means all the sources referenced by this author but just a small sampling of such information that are accurate contextual representations of what is widely published to discuss, proclaim, assert, pronounce andor decree as the so claimed truth andor the direct communications from the ALMIGHTY CREATOR.
Anyone who disputes the accuracy or truthfulness of the discussions, dissertations and assertions with regards to other religions and systems of beliefs (other than the true Christian faith and worship of this author) are requested to take the matter up with the Reference Sources.
This author at no point claimed to be discussing the original work of the originators of any other religions or systems of beliefs other than the Christian commitment by the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS. All discussions of other religions and system of beliefs are based solely on what have been published and were available prior to the time the discussion was posted, and attributed to the Referenced Sources.
Please bear in mind that almost all the Referenced Sources of nearly all religions and systems of beliefs as well as those who discussed andor compiled such material information varied their doctrines, assertions, claims (to accuracy, validity or authenticity) andor teachings significantly from time to time through the course of human history, as well as by their various and differing members of those who are the contemporary proclaimed and acclaimed experts, authorities andor masters of these knowledge, information, religions and system of beliefs, whether they are those generally acknowledged by the human social order andor those who claimed affiliations to these religions and systems of beliefs, or those who are self appointed. Therefore if anyone finds any discussion by this author on these religions and systems of beliefs to be inaccurate, they should refer back to those materials published on these religions and systems of beliefs that were contemporary to the date the discussion was first posted.

Updates History:
2020 12 06
First Published: 2020 01 27
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