Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Totally Random Disclosures Part 2

Totally Random Disclosures
Part 1: Questions And Answers
Part 2: Other Disclosures (this post)

Intro (note: this post is still mostly a draft and currently a work in progress so most of the entries are still incomplete)

This post is mostly just disclosures (with some discussions, more complete discussions hopefully will be done in some future tine in separate posts on the relevant topics) and meant only just for those who believe this author and this work (including believe the Scripture of Truth, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and LORD JESUS CHRIST of the Gospel accounts of the Christian Holy Scriptures). These disclosures are of things that this author has learned and discovered by the providence, empowerment (of the HOLY SPIRIT) and purpose of GOD (Job 35:11; Psalm 119:98) on everyall topics or subjects.

These disclosures are absolutely not for all those who adamantly insist on reading this work but have no inclination to believe everyall of the above (mentioned in the preceding statement) or worse have a total disinclination to believe anything disclosed and discussed in this work.

Scriptures passages quotes are currently mostly not included but (hopefully) will be added when or if ever this author is in a better position to do so. Discussions on the disclosures will (hopefully) also be added (from time to time and progressively) whenever this author is in a better position to do so.

This discussion series composing two posts, both of which are mostly just random disclosures (not arranged in any order including dates of entries) by this author (from my daily musings) on topics covering The Scripture of Truth, truths on GOD and truths in the creation (i.e. of existential reality) particularly the realities pertaining to the human social order of intent driven behaviors and conducts in the expression of living. Some of the disclosures have been previously discussed in this work as part of some other subject titles.

Entries will be continuously added whenever I think of, or remember (yes my memory is faulty at best, due to several reasons) something to add until the time when this work is no longer (being done) on Blogger (or in some other sites if this work moves to another site).

Entries mostly are initially added as only disclosures with little or no discussion. Discussions on them if any (to be done in this post) will be done progressively (whenever I am able) so most to all entries are in a state of in-progress until completed denoted by '■' symbol at the end of the entry. Incomplete entries are terminated with the '□' symbol instead.

Completed entries may still undergo updates: to make them more thorough; to update with embedded links; or for editorial corrections.

Again, no one is required to accept or believe any of these disclosures if they do not want to for whatever reasons. It has no relevant to me whether you agree or disagree with me, your blood is on you own head, meaning you are answerable for all of your own conducts (all that you expressed and carried out in your life and moment by moment living) and practices (i.e. your beliefs based intents, decisions and expressions).

He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”
Revelation 22:11

My job as a Watchman Messenger of the ALMIGHTY GOD, is to testify to the best of my knowledge and understanding, all that GOD has revealed to me through the HOLY SPIRIT.
Updated: 2022 08 13

Totally Random Disclosures

Satan The Devil In The Creation
entry added 2020 09 04

Satan the Devil (in his lust seeded and fueled insanity) thinks that he can prevail over and overthrow GOD.

One: Satan thinks that if he can get most to all of the Angels on his side he will be able to overthrow GOD (Isaiah 14:12 – 14).

Two: To this end his main game plan is to get most to nearly all of the Angels on his side. This was something he very "nearly accomplished" for a period of time (Daniel 10:13, 21) but since then he has lost a lot of ground (Revelation 12:4). The main thrust of this plan of his has been to pit the Angels against humankind (Genesis 1:2; 2 Peter 2:4) and consequently against GOD (Revelation 12:3 – 4; Matthew 8:28 – 29; Luke 8:27 – 28; Daniel 10:13, 21; Matthew 25:41) because of GOD's purpose for humankind (Genesis 1:26 – 28; 1 Timothy 6:15 – 16; Hebrews 2:4 – 18; 1 Corinthians 15:50 – 54).

Three: The first step of this game plan to pit the Angels against humankind has been to stir up (Revelation 12:10) acrimonious feelings of being sidelined and consequently fuel resentful that GOD has purposed preeminence for severely limited humankind over them, the heavenly creature personages.

Four: He then followed with getting the Angels to look down with disdain on humankind, focusing on human as miserably weak compared with the Angels. That is correct, all supremacist, elitist, racist and those who think and hold themselves as better than others (for whatever causes and reasons) basically are those who have totally bought the primary lust of Satan the Devil bait, line, hook and sinker.

Five: Satan's main plan against humans is to cause humankind to fail in being righteous, and in obeying GOD thus failing GOD's purpose for them. He hopes by causing humankind to fail it will then mean GOD's purpose for humankind fails. This is one of the ways he hopes (in his insane reasoning) to get all the Angels to turn against GOD and to align with him, in that if GOD (can) fail then it means GOD can be defeated.

Six: The destruction of all life on the planet Earth recorded in Genesis 1 verse 2 was the first recorded act of a Satan's (secret) manipulation of a group of Angels into open rebellion against GOD. Satan in all probably thought that he had score a great victory destroying the pre-Genesis 1 verse 2 humanoid creatures (which totally were not humans as per mankind made in the image and likeness of GOD) failing to realize that that very Angelic rebellion was (according to GOD's purpose foreknown by GOD, allowed by HIM as the key step or progression) for GOD to renew the earth so that GOD would finally personally create humankind in HIS image and likeness on earth in a direct act, to begin the process of HIS purpose for humankind to eventually (in the seven thousand years process, from creation to completion at the end of the Judgment) have all (those who will be educated) humankind born as HOLY SPIRIT composed Sons of GOD.
The pre-human humanoid creatures created through the process of evolution were just animals (as in animal life) and not made in the image and likeness of GOD which was why their extermination and elimination by the Genesis 1 verse 2 destruction of all life (on the planet) was necessary (for a very obvious reason and never mind if you have no clue what that is) before humans made in the image and likeness of GOD was to be placed on earth. It was the same reason none of these humanoid animals were recreated in the renewing the planet Earth (Genesis 1:3 – 31).

Seven: The renewing of the earth after the first recorded Angelic rebellion was a major set back for Satan as he probably lost a lot ground with the Angelic Host in his scheme to turn them against GOD. However after that Satan's scheme seemingly gain ground to the point when nearly all the Angels became fence seaters by the time of the Prophet Daniel, where only just two of the Angelic Hosts remain steadfastly loyal to GOD (Daniel 10:13, 21).
The reason for this vacillating by nearly all the Angels has been due to the very apparent continued miserable failure of humankind (beginning the failures of Adam and Eve through the centuries to this day, to even the far greater majority among the Elect including Prophets, Apostles and Messengers) to be (sincerely let alone righteously) faithful to GOD and also how miserably and severely weak we all are, an almost no effort for Satan the Devil's manipulation and sway.
And here is where the equally massive stupidity of nearly all the Angelic Hosts (for equally falling under Satan's manipulation to turn them against their MAKER, SUSTAINER and PROVIDER) is absolutely and totally obviously evidently revealed (exposed in explicative clarity by the testimonies of this work).

Eight: The next and the most major set back for Satan's hope of getting most to nearly all the Angels to get them behind his plan to overthrow GOD was the events of the First Advent, the instituting of the Everlasting Covenant and the resurrection of LORD JESUS to immortality. This is then followed by the revelation given to the Apostle John.
No doubt many of the Angels still, until after that time (because of the same unbridled lust as Satan the Devil as well as nearly all of humankind from the beginning to this day) have not comprehend the simple truth that it is what GOD does according to HIS will, purpose and good pleasure (Ecclesiastes 3:14) that will hold the day (be forever and every else will be ultimate ended in obliteration and non existence) not what the creature does. What the creature personage does ultimately (all things considered in the final analysis or outcome) will affect himself (includes herself).
The fact and truth is if by today (through the testimonies of this work) they, those of the Angelic Hosts, who still do not get it, they never will. Same hold true with all of you reading this work, if you still don't get this very simple thing due to the massively stupidity of uncontrolled lust, you never will.
For eachall creature personages, the only way we will fail, the only point for our failure (to ultimately end in perdition) is in our failure to be (Matthew 12:32; Mark 3:29; Acts 5:3; Hebrew 6:4 – 6, 7 – 8) sincere (as opposed to being deceitfully insincere) towards GOD and to be faithful (as opposed to being self expediently self advancing) to GOD.
Now if you (reading this) are and have not being deliberately stupid you would (or should anyway) know that being self expediently self advancing is the number one reason and cause to being deceitfully insincere (Numbers 22:34; 1 Samuel 15:15, 20 – 21, 24; Acts 5:1 – 3, 5 – 10).
The degree (2 Chronicles 12:14) to which you are insincere towards GOD is firstly and totally exposed in the things that you communicate and proclaim (Matthew 12:34; Luke 6:45) and ultimately in what you seek after, act to do (Matthew 7:17 – 19, 12:33; Luke 6:43) to the measure of your impunity (within any context) and ability to wield and exercise power over others (even if it just one other).

It is not: how righteous you are; how agape loving you are; how nobly noble you are; how full of zeal you; how many 'converts' you 'won' over; how many sinners 'you turn' to repentance; how 'full of and how masterful' you are with the knowledge of the mystery of GOD andor how divinely enlightened and spiritually mature you are; how many (so called) truths you restore;  how many were the 'people make ready prepared for the LORD' that you have accomplished; how many sick people you healed or restored to the pinnacle of health and wellness; how many demons you drove out, revelations and prophecies you proclaimed, and miracles you performed (Matthew 7:21 – 22, 23); how many mountains you moved; how many and how great a sea you parted; how totally truth loving you are; or how lowly humble and contrite you are.

Not that these do not matter but you just absolutely aren't any of those and could not possibly be doing any of those things for GOD (Jeremiah 7:4; Hosea 10:13; Psalm 40:4, 52:3; Matthew 25:12) but are doing so only for yourself, to satisfy your own lust for glory (Matthew 7:23). You are only just totally and completely lying to yourself (Jeremiah 17:9) and also completely lying (Acts 5:1 – 5) to GOD. Being insincere is ultimately being deceitful, and no one who is insincere and deceitful can be faithful or righteous, but are instead actually ultimately treacherously evil.

A deceitful person is basically and ultimately a liar (Revelation 22:15; John 8:44, 55) and an evil person, plain and simple.

If you are insincere (aka evil) towards GOD and unfaithful in honoring and keeping the Covenant you have entered into with HIM, you are just and only, totally and absolutely self servingly evil and self glorifying (for thinking that you are about anything that is good), but worse also totally lying to (i.e. deceiving) yourself and even worst totally lying (insincere) to GOD in beyond massive stupidity trying to deceive (Acts 5:1 – 3, 5 – 10) GOD.

Bottom line: If anyone wants to get their way with GOD right (and never mind if they don't), they got to start with sincerity in honoring their Covenant with GOD (includes sincerity towards GOD in their relationship and all their interaction with HIM). But deceitfulness and duplicity is an endemic and entrenched trait of every creature personages because of lusts.

So don't think that you can easily overcome your innate lust and the invariable consequential deceitfulness especially that of self deception. Just thinking that in itself (that you are always sincere in all your dealings) is already totally the ego gorging lust of self deception. The Scriptures cannot be broken (i.e. rendered meaningless, null and void).

As with repentance, over coming lust is a life long (and often, much longer than that) process that requires undaunting, unwavering and steadfast commitment (2 Corinthians 10:5) of a constant, minute by minute, day by day ceaselessly continuous effort. 

For there is not a just man on earth who does good
And does not sin.
Ecclesiastes 7:20

Of the men and women of GOD (and never mind all those who were not), while they have significantly (as the measure which GOD had granted them) to mostly being faithful to GOD, almost all have not completely overcome the innate lust of self deception. Where the Scriptures recorded sufficiently on these men and women, the Scriptures also revealed that none of these men and women were completely without sins.

Here let me just mentioned Moses who sinned directly against GOD not once but twice. The first time was when he in anger broke the two tablets of stone on which GOD had personally written the Ten Commandments and the ordinances. And the second time when he struck the rock when GOD had commanded him to speak to the rock. Yet he in self deception not acknowledging his sin that he directly ignored and disobeyed GOD's explicit command, he blamed the Israelite that they had caused GOD to forbid him going into the Promised Land.

Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Take the rod; you and your brother Aaron gather the congregation together. Speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will yield its water; thus you shall bring water for them out of the rock, and give drink to the congregation and their animals.” So Moses took the rod from before the Lord as He commanded him.
And Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock; and he said to them, “Hear now, you rebels! Must we bring water for you out of this rock?” Then Moses lifted his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod; and water came out abundantly, and the congregation and their animals drank.
Then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not believe Me, to hallow Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.”
This was the water of Meribah, because the children of Israel contended with the Lord, and He was hallowed among them.
Numbers 20:7 – 13

“Furthermore the LORD was angry with me for your sakes, and swore that I would not cross over the Jordan, and that I would not enter the good land which the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.
“But I must die in this land, I must not cross over the Jordan; but you shall cross over and possess that good land.
Deuteronomy 4:21 – 22 ⁣

It is a constant (especially at the beginning through many years and even decades) vigilant cognition of your innate and entrenched lust to not cave to it or worst earnestly pursuing after it as has been with those such as the Apostle Paul and nearly all the Elect from the Church of GOD founding to this very day.

That was the exact same thinking of the ego supergorging lust of the Bishop James (the step brother of the LORD JESUS) who thought so highly of himself (as the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of GOD) that he proclaimed that Satan the Devil would flee from him (James 4:7) in fear.

The same was totally true with the Apostle Paul who in his duplicity used the name CHRIST and GOD not to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD or the person of LORD JESUS (or even GOD the FATHER) but to advance his personally invented gospel (of grace) as supreme over the Gospel preached by LORD JESUS CHRIST, and therefore implicitly and many times very explicitly too, of himself as supreme over CHRIST and GOD.

When you proclaim your message as better than that of CHRIST calling HIS messages as just very basic, too basic to be of use to attain to spiritual maturity, very explicitly, plainly and clearly calling the laws and commandments of GOD beggarly elements (Galatians 4:9, 21) and implements of bondage (i.e. slavery).

But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage?
Galatians 4:9

Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law?
Galatians 4:21⁣ ⁣

Let me reiterate: desires and wants are not lusts until and unless such desires and wants are done (i.e. contemplated, fantasized andor acted upon) irregardless of andor even worst against the conduciveness to the well being of all and sundry (within the relationship context of GOD as the CREATOR and consequently HIS desire and purpose for HIS creation). If you won't stop your lusting, you won't be able to stop your duplicity and deceitfulness.

As I have repeatedly stated, you can obey without believing but you can't believe without obeying. Similarly, you can be faithful without being sincere but you can't be sincere without being faithful.

Likewise you can obey GOD without repenting but you can't repent without obeying. It would be a contradiction of meaning in the terms. To say you have repented but refusing to obey basically means that you haven't repented

A relationship without sincerity of mutual commitment to one another is basically an animal (i.e. beast) level (as opposed to a covenanted relationship based on the commitment to the full requirement of the covenant) relationship of mutualism, commensalism andor parasitism.

I have given you the knowledge to get your acts and life right with GOD, the rest is up to you whether you sincerely want to or are just from mainly to totally (whether brazenly and blatantly, or deceitfully) into the pursuit of all your lusts.
 Updated 2022 08 13

The Elect (of GOD) Who Are They
entry date 2019 06 30

Intro: This section heading of this post are mostly reworked extract from the chapter 'The Elect' of  'Bible 101 The Holy Bible Expounded' book project.

The Elect of GOD are people (i.e. humans made in the image and likeness of GOD, but not the homo sapiens species classified and defined by science as humans) reserved andor called by GOD towards HIS purpose, HIS purpose for creating the creation (both the Spirit realm and the physical realm).

There are the two main categories of the Elect: those reserved and preserved (as opposed to those who are not) by GOD and are potentially (but not effectively) the Elect, and those (already, at some point in their this current lifetime) called who are effectively the Elect. Within these two main categories are a few sub categories.

Technically and generally all of mankind made in the image and likeness of GOD (ultimately, with the exceptions those destined for perdition) are GOD's Elect as the ultimate GOD's purpose. 
However today (as in this present eon or era) a small percentage are either from: those being (including have been) called into the New Everlasting Covenant of the New Covenant Passover; or those who are according to the promised GOD made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

But effectively only those chosen are, the many called but not chosen (Matthew 22:14) are not included until the (great) Judgment when all who ever lived (other than those who would be part of the First Resurrection at the Second Advent) will then be judged, justly punished (Matthew 11:22, 24; Mark 6:11) and tested (to prove their repentance) in a final one hundred year process to determine those who will be chosen to inherit immortality and those who will be exterminated (i.e. end in perdition).

During the Antediluvian Age, all humankind living then were the Elect (according GOD's creating us) by the process of the creation of the Genesis chapter 1's account, but even then there were two distinct groups among those Elect. Abel, Enoch and Noah were the only three chosen and all the rest were in the other who will be resurrected in the Judgment for their punishment towards their repentance.

After the end of the Antediluvian Age with the extermination of all life on land except those preserved in the Ark of Noah, beginning from then to today and on wards until The Judgment (aka the White Throne Judgment), is the Rainbow Covenant period, era, age or epoch.

The Rainbow Covenant is when all of humankind generally (the exception being those called by GOD into a Covenant to recognize HIM as their GOD and SOVEREIGN), ceased being the Elect by default but remains potentially the Elect if GOD calls them and they agreed to enter into a Covenant to become HIS Elect.

This was the reason  GOD created mankind in HIS image and likeness. So potentially every human being can be called into a Covenant with GOD (if they so choose) to become HIS Elect during the duration of the Rainbow Covenant period.

During the Rainbow Covenant period (which stretches from when Noah and his family exited the Ark until just before the (Great) Judgment, all those whom GOD would call into another Covenant with HIM as long as these separate Covenants remains valid (from not being ended by a clause of the Covenant or terminated because of infringements) these thus called are the Elect, called to accept, recognize and honor (in worship of) GOD as their GOD (i.e. SOVEREIGN OWNER and MASTER).

Thus all of humankind (because they all who descended directly or indirectly from Adam and Eve, created by GOD in HIS the image and likeness) as long as they had/have not in their (this first) lifetime blasphemed the HOLY SPIRIT, a sin with no forgiveness, all remain potentially the Elect of GOD but not all are effectively the Elect of GOD, but only those in a Covenant relationship with GOD.

During the Antediluvian Age, when all humankind were effectively (stillthe Elect, there were two group among the Elect, one, those chosen, consisting Abel, Enoch and Noah.

These three were separated from the rest, as those assigned by GOD's purpose to be among those who will inherit immortality and the Kingdom at the First Resurrection at the Second Advent.

So those separated under the Old Covenant when all the Israelite were the Elect, there too were those such the Prophets, Judges, King Saul and King David, some (but not all not even many) of the Scribes and High Priests  asides others who were not named separated from the rest of their countrymen (includes women).

All these of those times were given the HOLY SPIRIT as most (but not all) called into the New Covenant have been given the HOLY SPIRIT.

Here we have a time where all humankind were the Elect but within them are two categories one, the Saints who will be in the First Resurrection (to immortality as HOLY SPIRIT composed) and all the rest to be resurrected (to physical life remaining flesh and blood) for The (great) Judgment.

During the Rainbow Covenant period, Abraham (includes Sarah and also Lot), Isaac (and also Rebecca), Jacob (possibly also Leah but not Rachel), Joseph and Moses, Joshua and Caleb, aside possibly a few others (not identified in the Scriptures) of that period too were among those chosen and designated to inherit immortality at the First Resurrection.

In this, the concept and doctrine of dualism (or duality in Types and an Actual aka archetype) as one of the many consistent messages of the Scripture, applies throughout all the various periods up to but not including The Judgment.

But nonetheless they (those not called into another Covenant with GOD during the Rainbow Covenant which all humans came under or are under from being preserved and saved through Noah's Ark) remain as the Elect from the context of creation as man (includes women and children but not fetuses) made in the image and likeness of GOD towards the end that they will all be resurrected back to life for the Judgment. There are caveats to this though.

Of the Elect called into another Covenant with GOD there are also two groups. One are all those called towards the promises GOD made to Abraham (also Isaac and Jacob), promises that pertain to the physical inheritance in the Promised Land only.
The other group are all those called towards  pertaining to the Spirit promises (Genesis 22:18) of the forever Spirit inheritance of being born as HOLY SPIRIT composed personages.

Abel, Enoch and Noah were among the very first Elect of this latter category despite their being called before Abraham (or the Old or New Covenant was instituted).

All those called into the Everlasting New Covenant of the Passover are of this latter category and includes all those called in the Old Covenant period such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, King David, all the Judges and Prophets of the Old Covenant period until the Prophet John the Baptist.

Then of course there are the Saints as a special subset and category of the Elect from all the eras (both the Antediluvian age and afterwards. The Saints are among those of the Elect who are chosen (Matthew 22:14) and will inherit immortality at the Second Advent.
∎  Updated 2021 10 25

entry date 2019 07 01

The first, main and most important thing for a social order (of intelligent creature personages) which must be first, fully and thoroughly established is justice. The failure to establish (and mete out) justice as the foundation of and framework to society is the reason why evil can never be stamped out from it in the social order of humankind. The measure or degree when justice fails to be carried or meted out speedily, is the rate and degree at which evil will grow and the society degenerates.

From the beginning of humankind (beginning with Adam and Eve after their eviction from the Garden of Eden) the failure of the human social order to be established on principles of justice has been the reason the human social order from then until today are forever rife with all manner of evils (i.e. social conflicts and crimes).

At no time in the history of human civilization has justice ever been the basis to human governance in all the peoples, tribes and nations of humankind.

The judicial system of the nations (including the United Nations, the ICC, etc.) of today are not about justice but about what is expedient and desirable as per the definition of the shakers, shifters, movers, shapers and makers of the human social order. But even these are basically subverted  to the degree of impunity among those who are able to derive, obtain, hold and wield power through the derivative mechanism available within each social order subset.

Today as never before on a total global scale, has this ever been worse, not a single nation on the planet earth today has a legislative or judicial system that metes out justice, or even an education system that advocate values of justice. Even the very plain, clear and simple concept of what constitutes justice is no longer understood by nearly everyone in the human social order (this author an exception of course that is the reason this work reveal aka expose it and expounded on it, but you don't have to believe this if you adamantly refuse in deliberated stupidity to).

Basic Principles Of Justice 

The first basis to justice requires for two or more parties in contention. Where there are no contentions there can be no requirement for justice.

The main and primary concept of justice is about equitability. Any judgment or decision made between contending parties without the first basis and total focus on equitability is not about justice.

This alone (and there are tons more) invalidates and absolutely proved that in all the nations of this world from since the beginning of the human social order to this day, justice has never ever been the basis to the judicial (especially with regards to crime) system in their so called administration of justice.

And in case anyone is too massively stupid (for anyall of the reasons that humankind choose deliberated stupidity over been intelligent) what this means is that at no time in the history of humankind and even more so today, is there ever justice for parties against whom criminal acts have been perpetuated.

Any punishment or retribution against those committing criminal acts against others are done towards the expediencies of those in (i.e. wielding) authority andor power. The primary reason being so that they should continue to be able to rule and not be overthrown in an uprising whether resulting from escalating crimes or from chaotic disorder, or by those holding authority or power over them who appointed them to the position of authority to judge.
Updated 2021 10 06
entry date 2019 07 05

The simplest thing to know about the command to not judge others is that it is about not being a bigot and hypocrite. The command is stop being a bigoted hypocrite.

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.
Matthew 7:1 – 2 

Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.
John 7:24 ⁣ ⁣

I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.
John 5:23 ⁣

The second thing to know is that it is about not thinking of oneself as being better (as of being superior or even supreme in any way, shape or form) than anyone else.

Anyone who (is reading this) look upon themselves as anything (holding to any label of race, religionanyall beliefs system and values, tribes, clans, families, birth rights, social organizations, political and social parties affiliates, etc.... and therefore better than others) other than as situational, circumstance, job or office designation (or title) towards a responsibility (and absolutely not as a right or entitlement), to separate themselves from others (as well as align andor group with others), thinking and holding themselves as to be better than andor superior to others, are effectively and expressly judging and condemning others.

Here are the two Scriptures which convict all bigots and hypocrites:

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous, and say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.’
“Therefore you are witnesses against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets.
Matthew 23:29 – 31

The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men—extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.’
Luke 18:11 – 12

FYI Note: In the original Greek text the term ‘hypokritÄ“s [G5273]’ translated in the English translation of Christian Bibles into the term ‘hypocrite’ has the based concept of one who in pompous (as in holding themselves to be better than others) with or without pretentiousness of humility, makes proclamations (i.e. any communication) to condemn others.

The keyword is pompous as in one who feels (and in total deliberated stupidity self deception ‘pretends’ to be pious or righteous) superior and look down on (aka disdain), judge andor condemn others. This is defined, exemplified and illustrated in Matthew 23:29 – 31; Luke 18:11 – 12.

In contemporary usage the English term ‘hypocrite’ has the meaning of ‘a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motiveswhich is not the same concept with the Scripture term (Matthew 7:2 – 5; Romans 2:1, 3).

The Scripture term focused on the concept of ‘holding oneself to be superior or better (particularly as more righteous, pious, zealous or religious) than others and acting to show oneself as being superior and better than others to then either consciously or subconsciously judge, condemn and look down on others’.
Updated 2021 10 06

Righteousness :entry date 2019 07 05

Righteousness is a another simple concept that near all humankind especially those who claimed to believe in GOD or good, or both, have gone totally into deliberated stupidity so they can sow and perpetrate evil towards advancing themselves and their agenda.

The very first concept to righteousness is that of being just. And being just is about being fair and equitable.

The second concept to righteousness is that of being kind, and being kind is about being caring, considerate and merciful (i.e. forgiving). A person can't be righteous without being considerate and caring. A person cannot be caring without being kind and merciful both concepts are essential part of caring and consideration for others. A person cannot be just without being fair and equitable.

But the concepts of being just and kind are intrinsic to the concept of good (as opposed to evil) meaning good embodies the concepts of being just (righteous) and being kind (caring, considerate and merciful).

But for all these concepts to be valid and applicable we need the foundation in a relationship of equals, not from the contexts of rights as in entitlement, power or authority, but of attitudes towards one another in a relationship based on love, trust and goodwill (aka grace).
Updated 2020 09 05

Holy :entry date 2019 07 09

If we look for the definition of holy in dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia and other sources, the most common definitions are (note these are extracted directly from the mentioned sources) that of: dedicated or consecrated to God or for a religious purpose, sacred, hallowed, sanctified, venerated, revered, reverenced, divine, religious, blessed, or blest.

One dictionary also have the definition somewhat (i.e. half of it anyway) correct in as of being ‘exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousnessbut however went into total deliberated stupidity to have righteousness as (an ambiguous) ‘acting in accord with divine or moral law; free from guilt or sin; morally right or justifiable’; also rendering goodness as ‘the state and quality of being virtuous, kind, benevolent’; and further rendering virtuous as ‘having or exhibiting virtue; morally excellent; righteous (i.e. as acting in accord with divine or moral law; free from guilt or sin; morally right or justifiable)’, basically then going into a deliberated stupidity circular reference not really defining anything at all but just proclaiming total meaninglessness mired in ambiguity.

In the Scripture of Truth, the term Holy is used in two main contexts. One is that of something separated (i.e. set apart from all the rest) and sanctified (i.e. purified as in to remove either literally or symbolically of all undesired property or attributes). The other is that being complete (or perfect) with all good attributes (or properties) that are free of (all undesired) impurities or without any contamination.

The undesired (i.e. bad andor evil) properties are essentially and literally pertaining to evil (all that causes non conducive harm). Basically then 'Holy' is about being complete (as in with all the desired traits) and perfect (as in without any undesired traits) in goodness and righteousness.
Updated 2020 09 07

Good And Evil :entry date 2019 07 07

Among the very first concepts (or living and life expression in the context) of relationships introduced in the Scripture of Truth after the creation of mankind made in the image and likeness of GOD, was that of good and evil in the form of (i.e. symbolized by) the Tree of Knowledge of (or Knowing) Good and Evil.

So then any one claiming themselves as the true proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of CREATOR GOD of all things would (or should anyway) firstly have fully, totally and completely both know and understand the concepts of good and evil as an intrinsic part of reality or creation. But until this work discussed and expounded on it, not a single soul in entirety of the human social order understood what evil is, exactly (i.e. from all that had been published until the time this work revealed this in the multiparts discussion ‘Readers' Question: Why Do Innocents Suffer If GOD Is Just’ and later as an entry 'wickedness'  in the post 'Glossary Of Terminologies' in the blog 'The Holy Bible Expounded'.

The most common arguments on evil (before this work very clearly, plainly, simple and concisely defined it) were focused exclusively on that if God who is good exist (meaning a God who is good do not and cannot be real but just a myth invention by religion) then there should not be any evil (whatever they all asserted that evil is). The other main focus on the arguments on evil were that (i.e. done so as to conclude) there is no such thing as evil that the concepts of good and evil are just only about meaningless (i.e. having no reality, rational or logical meaning) moral choices.

Everyone (most to all) then had good and evil as about moral choices and that evil has nothing to do expression in reality that would in unchecked situations eventually ultimately lead to the destruction (aka extinction or extermination) of all in it within the context of all that can be destroyed or harmed.

Evil (or wickedness as the intent based expression of evil) is plainly, simply and clearly evident and so obvious such that only a person so totally moronically stupid andor so completely (technically) insane will not be able to grasp the meaning and reality of evil as a real expression immediately.

The discussion on the concept of 'good' as a reality expression is in the entry below (this).
Updated 2020 09 05

Good (see also entries: Righteousness, Good and Evil, Holy and Evil)
entry date 2019 07 09 

The most basic and most fundamental concept to good is about not seeking to harm others and not harming others. They are about intent driven expressions (including especially attitudes and contemplations) for conduciveness to welfare and wellbeing of others, including not being careless and negligent through being considerate, careful and thoughtful.

Because we are all creatures created by our CREATOR (or from the context of ourselves as creatures in creation) according to HIS will and purpose, there are two aspects and contexts to this.

One is that of peers (from the context belonging to the same family) and the others is of begin absolute property to the ONE who created us all and allow and provide for our existence and continued existence.

Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’  This is the first and great commandment.
Matthew 22:38 ⁣

If we will not deliberately pretend to be stupid so that we can do all the evil we lusted to do, we would (or should anyway) completely, thoroughly and absolutely know and understand completely, the first great (i.e. the greatest) commandment (of GOD) expands as (i.e. elaborated on) the first five commandments (Exodus 20:3 – 12 ; Deuteronomy 5:7 – 16), commandments one to five, of the Ten Commandments. This means that breaking the two great(est) commandments is breaking the Ten Commandments and vice versa.

And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
Matthew 22:39 ⁣

And also, if we will not deliberately pretend to be stupid so that we can do all the evil we lusted to do, we would (or should anyway) completely, thoroughly and absolutely know and understand that the second great (i.e. the second greatest) commandment (of GOD) expands as the last five commandments (Exodus 20:12 – 17; Deuteronomy 5:16 – 21) of the Ten Commandments.

So then, if we will not deliberately pretend to be stupid, we would (or should anyway) absolutely understand completely why not a single one of all of the so called Abrahamic religions (the three main ones and all their variants in branch-offs, break-offs, spin-offs, combination-offs and alternates) and also why not a single human being, none ever even remotely border to try to obey (Psalm 14:2 – 3, 53:2 – 3; Romans 3:10 – 12) these two great commandments.

This is very clearly evident in every proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the so called Abrahamic religions (i.e. all those religions which proclaimed that their G-d, Gods or whatevernamed-God is the GOD of Abraham the Father of the Faithful) exposed in their doctrines which  explicitly (some) and implicitly (most to all) blaspheme GOD through portraying HIM as evil, sadistic, unstable (inconsistent and contradictory) andor cluelessly stupid.

Updated 2021 09 16

Evil (see also entries: Righteous, Good and Evil, Good, and Holy) :entry date (pending).

Concept of evil

Expression of evil

Law Of GOD, Kingdom of GOD, GOD's Government 
entry added. 2021 10 06. 

What is the Laws of GOD and how is these laws different from the law of Moses? Do you know? Do any of the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of GOD/G-d/Gods/God-of-whatever-name knows? 

Only may the Lord give you wisdom and understanding, and give you charge concerning Israel, that you may keep the law of the Lord your God. Then you will prosper, if you take care to fulfill the statutes and judgments with which the Lord charged Moses concerning Israel. 
1 Chronicles 22:12 – 13

To be sure the Laws of GOD and the Laws of Moses are not exactly the same thing. Here in this discussion we will first examine what constitutes the Laws of GOD and how they are different from the Laws of Moses.

And when he went out the second day, behold, two Hebrew men were fighting, and he said to the one who did the wrong, “Why are you striking your companion?”
Then he said, “Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you intend to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?”
Exodus 2:12 – 14 ⁣

The very first thing to know is that Moses was not just a Prophet of GOD but he was also a Messenger of the Old Covenant and a Judge, the very first Judge, a Prince (aka a ruler) over all the Israelite. All these are his ordained offices (i.e. GOD appointed offices and positions).

updating in progress 2021 10 06

The Lies About Evolution
Entry Added 2020 10 17

The number one thing (fact or truth) about evolution which all scientists from the very beginning (of science generally and evolutionary of the species as well life on earth specifically) have been in total deliberated stupidity about is that the first central and main dogma of evolution is about it is results of some totally random events occurring (incredulously continuously sequentially and consistently for millions to billions of earth earth years).

The number two thing (fact or truth) about evolution which all scientists from the very beginning (of science generally and evolutionary of the species as well life on earth specifically) have been in total deliberated stupidity about is that the second central and main dogma of evolution is about things going horribly wrong (aka mutation) as the empowerment for the evolution of the species.

The number one thing (fact or truth) about evolution (and life on earth) which all scientists from the very beginning (of science generally and evolutionary of the species as well life on earth specifically) have been in total deliberated stupidity about is that exceptions is a key feature of evolution.

Without exceptions (as a consistent feature and rule) in the process of evolution (and even in cosmology and particle physics) species diversities would not be possible and all life on earth will be exactly, totally and absolutely the same (i.e. totally and absolutely identical right down to the very last molecule) in genetics and morphology.

Simply put, in evolution (and also cosmology and particle physics) exceptions is the rule (aka the number one key feature). In linguistic this would be an oxymoron but in reality (of our existential realm, the physical universe) this is one of the foundational principle.

Honoring And Keeping The Sabbath of GOD
Entry date: 2020 11 14

First let it be explicitly clear, the Sabbath is the Sabbath of the LORD GOD and LORD JESUS CHRIST. It is not the Sabbath of the Jews or Jewish Sabbath even as the Jews (specifically from the time they return to the Promised Land after the Babylonian captivity) were not keeping the Sabbath (of the LORD GOD) but their own Sabbath because they did not really keep it to obey or honor GOD but to make a grand show that they were.

This is not a (full or complete) discussion on the Sabbath but just one aspect of it, how to honor and keep it

I have already discussed the seventh day Sabbath day of rest fairly completely in this work, the when (the day of the week from when to when) and the why (as one of the Ten Command and additional as an instituted ordinance) it must be honored and kept.

I shan't again discuss these here again. In this discussion I will just address how to honor and keep the Sabbath.

Discussions on the Sabbath (in this work):

How To Not Dishonor And Not Break The Sabbath

To be sure the Scriptures (in all that is recorded from Genesis to Revelation) is very clear (though not very explicitly) how to keep and not break the Sabbath.

Contextually basically only one thing is required to honor and keep and not dishonor and break the Sabbath. All the men (includes women) of GOD kept the Sabbath, among the faithful many (especially during the Old Covenant period) doing so faithfully while most not as faithfully but still they kept it 'literally' just not according to the spirit of the commandment.

Honoring and keeping the Sabbath is essentially very simple (if we don't over think it or worst try to rigidly regulate it which ultimately happens when we overthink things, we invariably go into rules based hairsplitter mode inculcate and indoctrinate by the human social order).

Yet overthinking is (one of two secondary reasons) where most of the Elect of GOD (especially those of the New Covenant period) fail in faithfully keeping it.

Overthinking (as the most common reason for the failure to faithfully honor and keep the Sabbath) is also the reason which results in trying to rigidly regulate the keeping of Sabbath with a long list of don'ts and dos.

Understand the purpose for which GOD created the Sabbath, that it is reminder to mankind that HE created us and all there is. So when we keep it our first focus must be on this. Essentially then the Sabbath is a day set apart by GOD for us to worship HIM.

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
Matthew 6:24 (also Luke 16:13)

Remember you cannot worship GOD and 'mammon'  (i.e. Hebrew — 'matmown', conceptually meaning monetary riches but contextually the pursuit of life and living aka the cares of life). So the message is specifically about your loyalty, who you choose to serve, yourself and your expediencies in the pursuits of all you lust after or to forsake these to serve GOD.

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. 
Exodus 20:8 – 10 ⁣

GOD gave us six days of the week to focus (mostly but not entirely) on our needs and wants, HE required us (those who have entered into a Covenant to accept HIM as their GOD) to set aside the cares and pursuit of our lives for one day of the week to rest from all our cares so that we can focus fully on HIM and HIS purpose for us for one day of the week, the Sabbath.

So set your whole heart to honor GOD on this day and liberate yourself from all your cares and concern of life and living (such as earning a living and other preoccupation aka the cares and concern of your life). It is very simple don't complicated it with rules of do's and don't's. If you are sincere on this, you can't break the Sabbath. It is about your sincerity to want to honor GOD and to hallow HIS name.

If you can't be sincere then you should know what to do. Work on overcoming your insincerity, the duplicity of your self deceiving heart (Jeremiah 17:9).
Updated: 2021 10 05

Of Tests And Trials 
Entry date: 2021 09 16

The Scripture recorded that after creating the first family of humankind in Adam and Eve, the LORD GOD planted a Paradise Garden and placed Adam and Eve in this Garden for them to live there and to tend it.

But in the Paradise Garden there were two very special trees., the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And of these two special Trees, one was forbidden to Adam and Eve that they should not eat of the fruits of it.

Now anyone actually (as opposed to ego supergorging lust) intelligent would immediately asked the questions why GOD would included these two Trees in the Garden of Eden; why would a Tree of Life and especially why a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil the fruits of which HE did not want Adam and Eve to eat the fruits of.

Here in this discussion as we will be discussing tests and trials we will not discuss why there was a Tree of Life in the Paradise Garden but instead just focus on the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Anyone reading this who was a member of the one true Church of GOD from during the Philadelphia period or era, they would (or should anyway) know that the first Messenger of that era proclaimed that it was because GOD wanted to know if Adam and Eve would disobey him by taking the (as he so proclaimed) GOD's prerogative to decide what good is and what evil is. Now I shan't discuss these massively stupid doctrines by that man, a Messenger of GOD to the Church of GOD no less, as I had discussed them elsewhere in this work.

It would (or should anyway) be to anyone intelligent (and never mind all of humankind who hadn't and still aren't, except those few who have read this work and believed) that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden was a test to fail (and not a test to find out if Adam and Eve would disobey because GOD already knew that they would disobey) the first human family so that they would be evicted from the Garden of Eden.

For I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like Me,
Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things that are not yet done,
Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand,
And I will do all My pleasure,’
Isaiah 49:10

Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29 – 31 ⁣

For GOD indeed is truly all knowing (and all powerful), and definitely not stupid, contrary to the proclamations of massively stupid man (includes woman) proclaiming massively stupid things while strutting around thinking to themselves how awesomely enlightened, all knowingly clever (aka ingenious) and supremely great they are because they (think that they) "know" all these massively stupid things they have been proclaiming about GOD.

Yes, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was to fail the first human family so that they could be evicted from the Garden of Eden. Consequently too, the entire Antediluvian Age was (pre) destined to failed so that that GOD could wipe them all out while preserving just one man (and his immediate family) with a fresh start but with one crucial difference.

And this fresh start was the Rainbow Covenant whereby GOD no longer maintain the relationship with them as their GOD but allowed them to become the animals (aka beasts) they all lusted to be.

With Adam and Eve, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was to fail them so they could be evicted from the Garden of Eden and be denied access to the Tree of Life. Why else would there be a talking serpent (a proxy of Satan the Devil) to tempt Eve to get her to believe that GOD actually want to deny Adam and Eve the knowledge of good and evil.

If indeed GOD had wanted to deny them this knowledge imparted by eating the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, why would HE have that Tree in the Garden of Eden in the first place and at all. There would be no reason to put a Tree that GOD didn't want them to eat its fruits. This is a very simple thing such that only the massively stupid (from unbridled ego supergorging lust) would fail to perceive and understand.

Fact is everything that have been happening to the creation since its beginning when GOD created the Heavens and the earth and placed Angels in (the third) Heaven as well as on earth overseeing them has been exactly as GOD has intended for things to unfold or come about. GOD intended as in what GOD have expected not what GOD personally carried out in every single instance and situation.

Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?
Amos 3:3 ⁣

Here we need to understand the difference between what is desired and what is allowed.

In a reality with numerous billions to trillions of personalities or individuals having free will (as in a self driven impetus to desire and want things and for things to be) unless GOD act to totally and absolutely control every single one of these individuals down to their every movements and thoughts (aka thinking) there must be things and going-ons that are not to GOD's desire and will, both individually and collectively. And as I wrote elsewhere in this work, GOD is not self contradictory to create creatures with free will then act to void their free will through acting to totally and absolutely control them.

“You were the anointed cherub who covers;
I established you;
You were on the holy mountain of God;
You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.
You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created,
Till iniquity was found in you.
Ezekiel 28:14 – 15 ⁣

And to these the Scripture records is clear, that contrary to GOD's will and desires being expressed by all these billions to trillions of individuals, the opposite has been happening right off not too long from the beginning (even before humankind and the earthly creatures came about) when an Angel in position of high office with oversight of the government of GOD in the Third Heaven began to act (in his thoughts, communications and deeds) to oppose and subvert GOD's will and desires in the third heaven where GOD has HIS seat of government.

From Genesis to Revelation, the Scriptures consistently testified to the truth that contrary to doing GOD's will, all of humankind and even more than a full third the Angels (i.e. the spirit composed personages) have been acting contrary to and even directly against GOD's will and purpose.

Updating....... 2021 10 06

Speaking In Tongues

On the most twisted in deliberated stupidity doctrines  of the Scripture has been that on the subject of the 'speaking in tongues' (Acts 2:6, 7 – 12; 10:44 – 46).

This twisted doctrines by the daughters Churches of the Christmas religion is aided by the ignorant and erroneous doctrine of the Apostle Paul who was not party to the incident when the HOLY SPIRIT came upon the some hundred and twenty who has obeyed the LORD JESUS and had gather together on the day of the Feast of Weeks (aka Day of Pentecost).

Though the Luke (one of the writers or rather recorders of the New Covenant Scriptures) did mentioned an incident where on being baptized the just baptized "coverts" of the Apostle Paul speaking in tongues, this account is doubtful. The reason I said this if indeed this happened then the Apostle Paul would have understood that speaking in tongues do not involve the speaking gibberish which no one can understand but rather the hearer hears and understood the things spoken as in their own mother tongue or language () whereas the speakers of tongues speaks in their own mother tongue or language, not in gibberish or making nonsensical noises which no one else can understand.

What the teaching or doctrine of speaking in tongues (not that it is a teaching or doctrine but a sign) is more about the hearing (what the hearers or listeners hear) than it is about the speaking (what the speakers say or speak). The speakers do not speak in strange tongues (aka languages) but the hearers hear then speak as in their own mother tongue (as in the language the think their thoughts in). So the correct term for this sign is 'hearing in tongues' and not 'speaking in tongues'. But bear in a mind that the person who recorded the book of Acts was Luke (who was more of a second person witness meaning he recorded what others told him more than what he actually was witnessed to) a disciple of the Apostle Paul (who was more a follower of the Apostle Paul than he was a follower of LORD JESUS CHRIST).

updating 2021 12 19

Entry date: 2021 11 29

Discerner Of The Thought And Intents Of The Heart

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

updating 2021 11 29

Updated: 2022 08 13 Updating in progress, readers patience is requested......

Related Reads:

Supplementary Reads:

Other Relevant Reads:
The Relationship Connection

Previous Post  >   The Day Of Pentecost
Next Post  >   What Is The Creation And Why Are We Here

Special Note
Please note that all discussions by this author are based on a general non expert assessment of information gathered from material published in the public domain (i,e, readily available to members of the general public). All of this author's discussions are presented as material for any and all lay persons with no special expertise. Anyone twelve years of age and older, who is not mentally incapacitated in some ways, would (or should anyway) be able to understand anyall the discussions of this author. No one needs to be an expert or a genius to be able to understand the simple and straight forward truths discussed by this author.
The main basis of all this author's discussions is the original inspired texts of the Christian Holy Scriptures sourced from material currently (at time of the posting) publicly available as ‘translated’ text in numerous version of the Christian Bible and extensively referenced by the Strong Exhaustive Concordance of the King James Version. The discussions' focus and contexts are with respect to this author's Christian commitment, worship and beliefs through the calling of ALMIGHTY GOD to the baptism of repentance into the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS of the Christian Bible Gospel's and the full New Covenant's accounts.
The referenced sources for all other religions and systems of beliefs (hereafter referred to as the Referenced Sources), are to materials freely available and published online on the World Wide Web and other internet service protocols on the Internet. These are published by either: the generally proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters; or the self proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters of such systems of beliefs and religions; as well as of all others who published dissertations and discussions on these systems of beliefs and religions whether presented as biased or unbiased discussion, dissertations or compilations.
The materials directly and specifically attributed to, as sources that form the basis to this author's discussions topics on other systems of beliefs and religions are by no means all the sources referenced by this author but just a small sampling of such information that are accurate contextual representations of what is widely published to discuss, proclaim, assert, pronounce andor decree as the so claimed truth andor the direct communications from the ALMIGHTY CREATOR.
Anyone who disputes the accuracy or truthfulness of the discussions, dissertations and assertions with regards to other religions and systems of beliefs (other than the true Christian faith and worship of this author) are requested to take the matter up with the Reference Sources.
This author at no point claimed to be discussing the original work of the originators of any other religions or systems of beliefs other than the Christian commitment by the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS. All discussions of other religions and system of beliefs are based solely on what have been published and were available prior to the time the discussion was posted, and attributed to the Referenced Sources.
Please bear in mind that almost all the Referenced Sources of nearly all religions and systems of beliefs as well as those who discussed andor compiled such material information varied their doctrines, assertions, claims (to accuracy, validity or authenticity) andor teachings significantly from time to time through the course of human history, as well as by their various and differing members of those who are the contemporary proclaimed and acclaimed experts, authorities andor masters of these knowledge, information, religions and system of beliefs, whether they are those generally acknowledged by the human social order andor those who claimed affiliations to these religions and systems of beliefs, or those who are self appointed. Therefore if anyone finds any discussion by this author on these religions and systems of beliefs to be inaccurate, they should refer back to those materials published on these religions and systems of beliefs that were contemporary to the date the discussion was first posted.
*All dates are based on secular historical records and are at best, approximation, at worst totally off.

First Published: 2020 09 09
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