Monday, February 14, 2022

Status Updates 2022 C.E.

Status Updates 
[1] [2] [3] [4: i ii iii  iv v vi vii] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
01. Status Updates 2014 C.E. (2014 and 2015)
03. Status Updates 2016 C.E. Part 2 (pending)
04. Status Updates 2017 C.E. 
      Part 2 Out Of The Mouth 
      Part 3 Abundance Of The Heart 
      Part 4 Exposé On The Elect 
      Part 5 Passover Unleavened Bread 
      Part 6 original post part 2 (pending)
      Part 7 original post part 2 second part (pending)
07. Status Updates 2018 C.E. Part 2 (pending)
11. Status Updates 2022 C.E. (this post)

Ever heard of the say 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'? Today hardly anyone believe this anymore. It is all about upgrading and new features. That is where the money is.

The problem with upgrading and new features is that they often broke what was not broke before.

And that is what has been happening with Blogger since they shifted the focus to smartphone from personal computer (includes workstation) centric. Things became more difficult to do for those who are left behind (like me who use a computer to do this work). But you got to move with the times, the corporation needs to move to where there is more demand andor usage.

Now don't get me wrong, I understand this perfectly but all the same my life becomes more difficult because of it.

The latest 'bug' just happened to me.

When I work on a new post (while in draft) I normally don't have a title yet and I just use anything for a title (of the draft). Often times I have several draft posts in the blog which I am working on. Well I just published a post in the blog 'Living By Every Word' which I began writing a rough draft in 2020 C.E. with a random title (using the same title from another post which was published then).

Just before publishing I update with the proper title but guess what, the old random title got stuck to that newly published post. But it is not too bad as the old random title is only in the URL.
∎ ⁣

Entry added: 2022 02 14

After a week of working on the post 'Reading To Comprehend The Messages Of The Scriptures' in the blog 'Living By Every Word', I spent over two weeks now trying to do an editorial check for typing and other errors (before publishing it) but to no avail. Each time after a minute or two of trying, my eyes began to grow blurry and very tired, and a bad headache start developing so I am forced to give up the effort.

And I was thinking that I will only need at most two days to check through the post for errors. But for over two weeks now I have been trying and trying to get it done but have to abandon the effort each time. I finally decided to publish that post sans any editorial checking for typing and other errors.

I will revisit that post to do the editorial checks at some other time whenever and if ever I am able.
∎ ⁣

It has been many months now with my increasing diminishing capacity to function and especially to do the writing (and checking through what I have written to correct typo and other errors) of this work, I am in despair that I may not be able to continue, even as I continue to try to finish especially the yet incomplete posts and discussions. With just living (or surviving) through each day itself a distressing trial, I am (currently) not able to focus on this work. Though I continue to try whenever I am able to write a post here and there and also work on the many incomplete and unfinish posts.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
Psalm 34:19

I have also decided to discontinue and remove my discussion on the Covid-19 outbreak and subsequent pandemic (from the post 'Science Making A Monkey Of Itself'), as I have not been able to do much work on them (due to my current disability and low functionality) and the discussion has thus become pointless as it has been more than two years since the outbreak. I have been very stupid to think (without considering my life situation) that I could complete those discussions within one year.

Also I caught the virus (of Covid-19) a total of three times since, the last was just recently in June (the latest circulating variant as at June 2022 which is either Omicron BA.4 or BA.5).
Updated 2022 08 02

Entry date: 2022 08 02

This is the longest (almost fourteen years) I have stayed in a place (i.e. temporary home) in all of my whole. Before this place I have been a regular nomad moving every few years (usually in two to four years).

But now again I will be on the move to another location which is quite remote and I will in all likelihood have no access to the internet which I have been the avenue for this work. So needless to say once I move to this new location this work will stop (hopefully, temporarily).

Also once I move I will no longer be contactable through email or other internet resource. Anyone who wish to contact me will have to physically travel to where I am at or write me through 'snail' mail (aka postal mail). My (physical) address will be posted here (below) as well as in the home page of this blog and in the home page of my main blog.

My Location Address:

Updating 2022 08 02

Entry date: 2022 09 10

At the beginning of this year it did look like this was going to be my least productive (with regard to this work) years since this work started in November 2009. With increasing diminish ability to function it certainly looks like this year was the beginning of the end of this work here on Blogger or anywhere else.

But thankfully it has not turned out to be so. I have managed in these last few months especially, to complete (i.e. write a few new major discussions as well as finished up three major discussions that have taken me some over five years to finally complete).

That is indeed a great blessing.

Related Reads:

Supportive Reads:

Other Relevant Reads:

Previous Post > My Covid-19 Episodes
Next Post > What Is Christianity About?

Please note that all discussions by this author are based on a general non expert assessment of information gathered from material published in the public domain (i,e, readily available to members of the general public). All of this author's discussions are presented as material for any and all lay persons with no special expertise. Anyone twelve years of age and older, who is not mentally incapacitated in some ways, would (or should anyway) be able to understand anyall the discussions of this author. No one needs to be an expert or a genius to be able to understand the simple and straight forward truths discussed by this author.
The main basis of all this author's discussions is the original inspired texts of the Christian Holy Scriptures sourced from material currently (at time of the posting) publicly available as ‘translated’ text in numerous version of the Christian Bible and extensively referenced by the Strong Exhaustive Concordance of the King James Version. The discussions' focus and context are with respect to this author's Christian commitment, worship and beliefs through the calling of ALMIGHTY GOD to the baptism of repentance into the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS of the Christian Bible Gospel's and the full New Covenant's accounts.
The referenced sources for all other religions and system of beliefs (hereafter referred to as the Referenced Sources), are to materials freely available and published online on the World Wide Web and other internet service protocols on the Internet. These are published by either: the generally proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters; or the self proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters of such beliefs and religions; as well as of all others who published dissertations and discussions on these system of beliefs and religions whether presented as biased or unbiased discussion, dissertations or compilations.
The materials directly and specifically attributed to, as sources that form the basis to this author's discussions topics on other system of beliefs and religions are by no means all the sources referenced by this author but just a small sampling of such information that are accurate contextual representations of what is widely published to discuss, proclaim, assert, pronounce andor decree as the so claimed truth andor the direct communications from the ALMIGHTY CREATOR.
Anyone who disputes the accuracy or truthfulness of the discussions, dissertations and assertions with regards to other religions and systems of beliefs (other than the true Christian faith and worship of this author) are requested to take the matter up with the Reference Sources.
This author at no point claimed to be discussing the original work of the originators of any other religions or system of beliefs other than the Christian Commitment by the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS. All discussions of other religions and system of beliefs are based solely on what have been published and were available prior to the time the discussion was posted, and attributed to the Referenced Sources.
Please bear in mind that almost all the Referenced Sources of nearly all religions and system of beliefs as well as those who discussed andor compiled such material information varied their doctrines, assertions, claims (to accuracy, validity or authenticity) andor teachings significantly from time to time through the course of human history, as well as by their various and differing members of those who are the contemporary proclaimed and acclaimed experts, authorities andor masters of these knowledge, information, religions and system of beliefs, whether they are those generally acknowledged by the human social order andor those who claimed affiliations to these religions and systems of beliefs, or those who are self appointed. Therefore if anyone finds any discussion by this author on these religions and system of beliefs to be inaccurate, they should refer back to those materials published on these religions and system of beliefs that were contemporary to the date the discussion was first posted.

First Published: 2022 02 14
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