Why This Author Writes In Such A Manner
[2] This Author's History With The ALMIGHTY (this post)
The Christian Holy Scriptures explicitly and plainly recorded of at least two persons who were called (Luke 13:15) or were being prepared to be called (Jeremiah 1:4 – 5) right from the moment they were conceived (JESUS CHRIST not counted of course, HE was literally conceived by the HOLY SPIRIT, literally GOD in the FLESH the moment of HIS conception).
But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is heard; and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. For he will be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink. He will also be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb. And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God.
Luke 1:13 – 16
Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:4 – 5
And in Isaiah 49:1 and 5
“Listen, O coastlands, to Me,
And take heed, you peoples from afar!
The Lord has called Me from the womb;
From the matrix of My mother He has made mention of My name.
“And now the Lord says,
Who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant,
To bring Jacob back to Him,
So that Israel is gathered to Him
(For I shall be glorious in the eyes of the Lord,
And My God shall be My strength)
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:4 – 5
And in Isaiah 49:1 and 5
“Listen, O coastlands, to Me,
And take heed, you peoples from afar!
The Lord has called Me from the womb;
From the matrix of My mother He has made mention of My name.
“And now the Lord says,
Who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant,
To bring Jacob back to Him,
So that Israel is gathered to Him
(For I shall be glorious in the eyes of the Lord,
And My God shall be My strength)
While it can be said that both the accounts of Isaiah 49 and Jeremiah 1 were specifically referring to the CHRIST, the LORD MESSIAH of the New Covenant. That is CHRIST was the Actual, but nonetheless there could be many others (and probably have been) who were the Types fulfillment of these Scriptures prophecies.
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.
Psalm 139:16
Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.
Psalm 139:16
Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:4 – 5
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:4 – 5
There also were a few accounts in the Scriptures records that implied as much of a few others (such as the Judge and Prophet Samuel) who too were being prepared for their future calling from the moment of their conception (and even before that meaning their parents too were prepared to conceive them). One such was King David where he wrote of himself (Psalm 139:16). Another was of Jeremiah when GOD called him (Jeremiah 1:5).
And with such as Moses and John the Baptist, the Scriptures specifically foretold of them before they were even conceived yet which implied that even before they were conceived by their biological parents (and how much farther up their ancestry) they had been (pre) selected and thus prepared as preparatory (meaning including their biological parents too) to their conceptions, births and future callings and ordinations as Prophets of GOD.
Remember now JESUS CHRIST's advent as the SAVIOR of humankind was prophesied beginning from Adam and Eve (which is obviously, not definitive on this subject and topic, as they are the ancestors of all humankind) but more and more definitively from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob then Judah then King David right down to Mary the biological mother of JESUS CHRIST. Even Joseph the husband of Mary (i.e. the step father from the concept of human kinship or kin relationship) too had been prepared for when he would decide to quietly put away Mary his betrothed wife after finding out she was pregnant, but believed when he was told by the Angel that her conception was by the HOLY SPIRIT (Matthew 1:20).
From all these (just mentioned) it can be surmised that among those whom GOD would called later in their lives to a special office (i.e. job position and assignment) especially those called as Prophets, many if not most, too were very likely being singled out and prepared right off from the moment of their conceptions (and possibly, before that even).
Of these the Scriptures was very specific that two among those who were being prepared by GOD from the time of their conception, were targeted by Satan the Devil. Satan the Devil acted to have their lives snuffed out, at or soon after, their birth, which of course GOD did not allow to happen.
These two, were namely the Prophet Moses and the LORD JESUS CHRIST, whose purpose in life was to mediate GOD's Covenants with humankind for us to have a covenanted relationship with HIM. And these two Covenants being the Old Covenant and the New Covenant respectively.
Though the Scriptures did not record as such (that they were targeted by Satan the Devil) about the others who (such as the John the Baptist, among a few other notable men of GOD) too being prepared by GOD from their conception (technically before, when their parents were being prepared to conceive them).
It should be without doubt that Satan the Devil would likewise have targeted them too, either to have their lives snuffed from after their birth to before their adulthood, or acted against them in such ways so as to disqualify them or cause them to fail either before, during or even after the fact.
This could include anyone at all whom GOD called to an office or even to just one or a few specific job assignments, but especially those called to be the Prophets or Messengers to critical milestone events in GOD's 'plan' (i.e. the process GOD had ordained to complete and make perfect the creation, meaning the creature personages).
Among these we have Moses and CHRIST who were mediators of the two most important Covenants with GOD. And others beside them would include (Romans 8:30; Ephesians 1:11): Abel; Enoch; Noah; Joshua; Caleb, most if not all the Judges including Samuel; as well as all of the rest of the Prophets of the Old Covenant; including all the New Covenant writers and all the Messengers to the Church of GOD in her journey through the centuries from the Apostolic Age to today. And of course this author too is numbered among all of these.
The Scriptures are explicitly clear that GOD knows everything absolutely such that nothing at all can happen except that GOD knows about them (Matthew 10:29; Isaiah 46:10) as well as allows or permits for them to happen (Matthew 10:29 – 31; Luke 21:14 – 19).
What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.
Matthew 10:29 (NLT)
Matthew 10:29 (NLT)
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Matthew 10:30
Matthew 10:30
Here let it be clear that to allow (or permit, not from the context of giving permission but as in to allow through not stopping or preventing when one can do so) is not to purpose or act out of intent of the will, not out of self purpose or desire to accomplish or to cause to happen.
If evil is to be completely and absolutely understood by the creature personages, evil must be allowed and permitted its destructive rampages on and among them. Which is not the say that the creatures will understand but just that they can if they want to and only if they want to and not if they lusted uncontrollable to not want to. So there is still the requirement that they must want to.
The question then is, how about you (the reader)? Do you want to understand or will you still insist on lusting uncontrollably so as to not understand in order that you can continue with your evil pursuits and conducts while in total deliberated stupidity hold and believe yourself that you love good and want to do good; that you are a good and decent human being who is not evil? Whether you will or won't may not matter now but it ultimately matters as your forever life or forever death issue. This will be when GOD completes and perfects all of HIS creation in the (Great) Judgment of all who ever lived who are not in the First Resurrection.
How It Began With Me
Whether you will believe it or not, it is conceivable that the before I was born GOD already had my whole life mapped out before me (Psalm 139:16; Isaiah 49:1 – 5) for is it not so written (Isaiah 46:10 – 11).
Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things that are not yet done,
Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand,
And I will do all My pleasure,’
Isaiah 46:10 But as for me I neither know nor understand any of it (of all these things including my ordination as a Watchman Messenger of GOD) until sometime after this work have started.
I was born into a pagan Chinese family. And as with pagan Chinese, our culture and religion are a potpourri of beliefs rooted in Chinese culture and Asiatic paganism of ancestral worship, reincarnation and karmic philosophy (aka theory), including mysticism and the occult (i.e. superstitions, taboos, witchery, animism and spiritualism).
At a very young age still (around seven and eight) I was introduced to the Christmas religion through my eldest sister who was enrolled in a Catholic school. This was in the form of comics which if I remember correctly (or not) was called the 'Joyful Vanguard' or something very similar.
I was then living in a small town in South Asia and on learning how to read at the age of seven (when I started schooling) I became an avid reader of any material that I could get my hands on which I was of my level of education.
My interest, of course, was not on the religious material but in the comic's story. But I did begin to get the vague notion of a God outside of the Chinese mythical deities which are essentially men and women (either literally dead having died but alive and living in the clouds; or having the exact nature of humankind except, attributed with supernatural powers) being worship as Gods and Goddesses.
But it was not until I was in my tween or teen (not very sure on the timeline as my memory fades and is unclear) that I became acquainted with the GOD of the Christian Holy Scriptures. This was probably the point where my history, as in knowledge of the true GOD technically began.
This happened at the very first time I managed to get my hands on a Bible, the King James Version. In those days when I was still in my teen, from since I began learning to read, I was an avid reader of anything I can get my hands on, both fiction and non fiction. One of my sister was given a Bible by a suitor who was a believing subscriber to the Christmas religion.
She was neither interested in the suitor nor the Bible so I took it from her and began reading from cover to cover (just not literally, I skipped over the genealogies and the details on the priestly garments and other mundane stuff, focusing mostly on the story narration).
But that was enough to impress upon me the plain and clear truth of what was written particularly the reasoning in the narration. And this was that they make perfect sense (i.e. are reasonable, rational and logical and not some mythical profound mumbo jumbo crap). But it was also clearly and plainly impressed upon me that the Christian calling is not an easy one to take up (i.e. 'the straight and narrow way that leads to life'). So I basically told myself then that it is a hard calling and that I will only take it up when I am in sixties. Considering that I was between twelve and sixteen at the time, it was an intelligently thought through decision (Luke 14:27 – 29).
Of course I soon forgot about all of it, being caught up with the cares of life and deceitfulness of all things that titillate the senses.
But early in 1987 C.E., GOD brought me into remembrance of HIM and being afraid (because I was an evil man pursuing after an evil life just like everyone else) I repented (i.e. began turning) from my ways and began reading the Bible again (also the KJV) to seek GOD, immediately travelling to a larger nearby town (some 100 km away from my home town) to buy a Bible.
No one at all absolutely, came to me to convince me. I was being called directly by GOD and not through the Church of GOD of the Philadelphia era through any of her publications or other programs.
GOD just basically woke me up through causing me to remember HIM plus the knowledge that the End of the Age has come (i.e. is here). Being much older and also considerably wiser (I was in my early thirties at the time) I understood and greatly valued my calling this time around (not that I was being called when I was in my tween/teen, I wasn't, it was just preparatory for the time when I would be called).
I immediately realized of the need to find (i.e. seek for) the Church of GOD as GOD's ordained institution (i.e. the ones GOD raised up and sent, having GOD's mandate and authority, just as even JESUS CHIRST before HE began HIS three and a half years ministry HE went to the one GOD's sent, John the Baptist. nut not to the high priest or Jewish religious authorities) in order to make the commitment to repentance in baptism. So I began an earnest search to find the one true Church of GOD. The search took me through the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, the Baptist Church and a group with an 'end of the world' message (all of which I could not recognized as being of the ALMIGHTY GOD), before I finally found (or rather GOD led me to) the one true Church of GOD (of the Philadelphia era).
This was when I came across a periodical of the Church of GOD which a colleague of my had subscribed to (for a while since but never before brought to the office). On reading I immediately recognized the voice of CHRIST (John 10:4, 27, 16; Psalm 95:7 – 8) in it, so immediately I wrote to the local (to my country of residence) office of the Church of GOD to ask for a ministerial visit so that I could be baptized.
But after a month of not receiving any reply I then decided to write to the headquarter office and within a couple of weeks, the local minister contacted me for a meeting in a near by larger town (around 100 km away from my home town). The period from the time I was called to my first contact with the Church of GOD was around four months (it was a long time ago and my memory of it had faded). And it was another around four months later (after the Feast of Tabernacle of that same year) before I was finally baptized.
At this point the question needed to be asked 'why was I not immediately baptized' as was the clear message recorded in the Scriptures (Acts 2:37 – 41, 8:21, 35 – 38; 18:8; Matthew 28:19 – 20). It does seem that the Church of GOD in Philadelphia had her own preferred take on Scriptural doctrines, obeying only what she wanted to (i.e. what is expedient for her to) and not obeying what she on her own decision (which are not based on the Scriptures) decided not to obey.
No doubt there maybe seemingly (or apparently) valid reasons. But then again are there ever valid reasons not to obey the Word of GOD? Saul the King thought so (1 Samuel 13:11 – 13, 15:20 – 21); and Eli the high priest thought so (1 Samuel 3:18); as also billions of the faithless (in the Christmas religion and other so called Abrahamic religions) lust driven liars all also thought so and are still thinking so.
And apparently so do most to nearly all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives among the Elect (including the Messengers to the Church of GOD in Philadelphia, and today, the Church of GOD in Laodicea), they all also think so, that they can have valid reasons to not obey the Scripture of Truth.
Back to the narration. After my first meeting with the local Pastor, I immediately made plans to relocate to where the local Church congregation had regular Sabbath meetings. I resigned from my job, took up course in that capital city (to further my technical skills) where the Church had regular Sabbath services, and was fully committed to serving GOD and the Church of GOD in her commission to preach the Gospel to the nations.
At the time I was called (before coming into the membership of the Church of GOD in Philadelphia), I was both awed and astounded that I was being called, considering the unlikelihood of a person living in a place (i.e. not just small country but a small town) remote from the Church of GOD main area of 'operation'. I considered how unlikely it was that I (Out of the billions of humankind) would be called by GOD, being a person of no account and steep in the ways of the world. I was therefore greatly appreciative and thankful that GOD would of all the people living in my region, call a nobody like me.
Needless to say I was extremely thankful and grateful that GOD had called me. Having no grandiose aspiration I was committed to living the life of a faithful Christian supporting the ministry and the Church of GOD in anyway I could.
Even from the onset, I noted that some of the doctrines of the Church of GOD was in such serious errors that they might as well be out right ridiculous lies. But I basically told GOD (in prayers) to give these understandings to the leadership of the Church of GOD, as I being just a lay member really was in no position to do anything with them and my knowledge of them could not be of benefit to anyone (other than me).
And as invariably happens, by the manipulative acts of Satan the Devil, the cares of life and the deceitfulness of all the things that titillate began slowly to creep back into my life. Many of my sins which I have not completely overcome would slowly find their way back. Despite my awareness of them that I needed to work harder to overcome them, the many cares (i.e. trails and afflictions) in life eroded my commitment and effort to overcome them.
By the time in 1995 C.E. when GOD called me (i.e. ordained me as HIS Messenger Watchman) to testify against the first Messenger to the Church of GOD in Laodicea (who was also the second Messenger to the Church of GOD in Philadelphia until he the point when he completely rejected the doctrines of his predecessor) I was just about as lukewarm as the rest of the membership in the Church of GOD.
But GOD who then (in February 1995 C.E.) ordained me to be HIS Watchman Messenger (though I was totally clueless to the fact at that time all the way to until 2012 C.E.) did not allow me to become lukewarm to that extend (such as to partially or completely embrace the doctrines of the first Messenger to the Church of GOD in Laodicea and his cohorts). GOD kept me faithful to all that I have learned (which GOD had shown and revealed to me) from HIM (John 14:26). This GOD did so that HIS purpose for (calling) me will stand, I cannot take any credit for it as it is all GOD's doing.
And according to HIS purpose GOD kept me in that worldwide congregation throughout the period after the death of the first Messenger to the Church of GOD in Laodicea for refusing to repent, through the 'spewing out' of 1995 C.E. (Revelation 3:16) to until the apostasy aka (great) falling away (2 Thessalonians 2:3) of 1999 C.E.. That (the apostasy) was when I immediately left the since then defunct and apostate Church.
It would be a year later before GOD would again lead me to (the next administration of) HIS Church, the Church of GOD (Revelation 3:17) in Laodicea (the second administration under the 'Worthless Shepherd'). Again on finding the Church of GOD, I immediately recognized CHRIST's voice (John 10:4, 27, 16; Psalm 95:7 – 8) in her.
As when I first entered the membership in the Church of GOD in Philadelphia, so also when I first entered the Church of GOD in Laodicea (the second administration under the Worthless Shepherd) in the year 2000 C.E., I had no expectations except to continue supporting the Church of GOD as a tithe paying member, albeit in a lesser capacity (meaning I could not be able to be part of any Church organized activities including Sabbath services) as a remote member this time as there were no local congregation in my country of residence.
But in 2005 C.E., I was moved by the HOLY SPIRIT to write the Pastor General concerning some very explicitly and plainly clear erroneous (and blasphemous) doctrines of the Church of GOD in Laodicea second administration which was also (i.e. previously) the doctrine of the Church of GOD in Philadelphia.
Don't ask me why this time around I wrote when earlier (during the Philadelphia era I didn't but just prayed that GOD would reveal the matter to the leadership). I was still pretty much clueless to any of the things that I now know and clearly understood (beginning from 2012 C.E.). Though the second Messenger did not reply to me, he took what I told him and proclaimed it in the Church of GOD as his own understanding. Of course I have no issue with him doing that, then.
Then again in 2007 C.E., I again wrote him concerning some other erroneous doctrine of the Church, and he again proclaimed them as his own understanding (i.e. revelation of new truth from GOD to him) to the Church of GOD. Again I did not think much of it.
Finally in 2008 C.E., GOD through the HOLY SPIRIT, opened my eyes (i.e. my heart aka mind) to see and understand that he was recklessly twisting the Scripture of Truth with a lavish dose of spins thrown in, to advance his own personal agenda of preaching against 'the Laodicean' (referring to the now apostate and long since defunct Church of GOD of the Philadelphia era). And according to what I have been given to understand, I again wrote him (in private of course, all three times) to testify against his wickedness.
This very naturally led him to instruct his lackey, the regional director of my Church area, to kick me out of his Church of GOD, some around four weeks after the fact. Here I needed to mention that some time around two weeks after I wrote this last letter (in confidence of course), I received a phone call from an oversea number (which I had not until that time ever received) which only ringed once (and stopped ringing before I could pick up). And the number was from the USA which I suspect was from him but he some how got cold feet and hung up (Zechariah 3:1).
The lackey of his would not long after, die for his sin (in 2013 C.E.) while the Worthless Shepherd will not long from now (2022 C.E.) too be further corrected (Zechariah 11:17) before his ultimate demise.
My Trials And Afflictions Increases With Each Testimony
Today (as of this writing in 2022 C.E.) my history with the ALMIGHTY counting from the day I was actually called in 1987 C.E., it has been thirty-three (33) years.
While in the beginning years before my very first testimony to the first Messenger to the Church of GOD in Laodicea (in 1995 C.E.), most of my trials were not particularly serious (or live changing) except for two. There have been trials but my failure to be faithful (to GOD's calling) stands out like a mountain when compared to these trials.
You make us a reproach to our neighbors,
A scorn and a derision to those all around us.
You make us a byword among the nations,
A shaking of the head among the peoples.
My dishonor is continually before me,
And the shame of my face has covered me,
Because of the voice of him who reproaches and reviles,
Because of the enemy and the avenger.
All this has come upon us;
But we have not forgotten You,
Nor have we dealt falsely with Your covenant.
Our heart has not turned back,
Nor have our steps departed from Your way;
But You have severely broken us in the place of jackals,
And covered us with the shadow of death.
If we had forgotten the name of our God,
Or stretched out our hands to a foreign god,
Would not God search this out?
For He knows the secrets of the heart.
Yet for Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
Psalm 44:13 – 22
But with each testimony I made as the Watchman Messenger of CHRIST/GOD in these last days, the trials and hardship increased correspondingly. Things became really bad (for me) after my third testimony to the Worthless Shepherd of the sheep (Zechariah 11:17) in 2008 C.E., even as I was still totally clueless at that time to my ordination as a Watchman Messenger of ALMIGHTY GOD.
And from then to this very day, my trials and affliction have been numerous and many, often times so overwhelming that I have now (for some time since) developed PTSD and have frequent anxiety attacks. And I am not alone in this, many man of GOD such as King David (1 Samuel 27:1; 2 Samuel 15:14; 2 Samuel 24:13 – 14) and the Prophet Elijah (1 Kings 19:2 – 3) also had PTSD and suffers anxiety/panic attacks.
While in the time of the Old Covenant when the ancient nations of Israel and Judah had kings over them, many of the Prophets of GOD suffered persecution at their hands, these persecution came through the hands of man. Even during the New Covenant period, when the Elect of GOD suffered persecutions, these also came through the hands of man. These men no doubt were the servant agents of Satan the Devil doing his evil work (i.e. as his proxy on his behalf being totally under the sway of the Evil One).
There was however a notable exception and this was the most righteous man who ever lived Job. Satan persecuted Job both indirectly through men (Job 1:14 – 15, 17) and directly (Job 1:16, 18; Job 2:7). My persecution (i.e. trials and afflictions) all came directly from the Evil One. While these persecution are mild in comparison to what the Prophets of GOD and Apostles of CHRIST went through, but over a such long period of time (of some twenty seven years increasing in frequency with each year) it is as if a Sword of Damocles hangs over me on a daily basis, not knowing when the Evil One will 'hit' me next with some calamities (i.e. destructions) or afflictions (i.e. illness or maladies).
But severe and many as these trials and afflictions have been, I constantly remind myself (so that I do not become overly discouraged and disheartened) that the men of GOD of old, many of them went through a whole lot worst, such that my trials and afflictions when compared with theirs, the Prophets of GOD (of the Old Covenant period) and the Apostles of CHRIST and other faithfuls (of the New Covenant period) are like comparing a molehill to a mountain, a lit candle to a raging consuming fire.
For example, righteous Joseph at the young age of seventeen was sold by his own brothers into slavery. And as if that was not bad enough he was falsely accused by a woman and thrown into prison where he spent some ten years of his young life as a prisoner. Imagine being a slave then a prison for some thirteen years of your life when you have not done any evil at all to deserve it. How could what I have gone through even hold a candle against such suffering.
Throughout this last sixteen or so years, I went through many periods of great emotional and psychological distress as well physiological distress (not to mention financial distress) such that I felt if things got any worse I would not be able to bear it any longer. There too were many periods when my functional ability diminished to such an extend that I felt that I could no longer continue doing this work, that this work here was for all practical reasons was coming to an end. Then there were many times I felt burnt out and very discouraged (but never became depressed).
But throughout it all, in this last some thirteen years since this work began on Blogger, eachall times that I recovered sufficiently I soldiered and slogged on, and I am still doing so, so as to finish this work which until this very day not a single soul (of all those who have read) seems to be even remotely appreciated let alone be greatly thankful (to GOD) for.
“He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.
Matthew 10:40
He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.”
Luke 10:16
And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet. Assuredly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!
Matthew 10:14 – 15
“Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment than for you. And you, Capernaum, who are exalted to heaven, will be brought down to Hades; for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. But I say to you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for you.”
Matthew 11:21 – 24
That is just how deceitfully evil everyall (no exceptions) have all become that the Truth of GOD kept hidden since the foundation of the world and now (since 2009 C.E.) unsealed and revealed through HIS ordained Watchman Messenger to disclose and expound on, is so lightly esteemed. May GOD forgive you all these the wickedness in the hardening of your hearts in the day GOD bring your sins to remembrance and punish you, all who read this work or have read this work in part or in total.
I have never in all that time (from when I was first called until 2012 C.E.) expected (nor aspired to be) to be anything but just a very ordinary lay member of the Church of GOD when I was called by GOD in 1987 C.E..
So when in the dream vision I received in 1995 C.E. which as I was given to understand, exactly Ezekiel 3 verses 17 to 21 and Ezekiel 33 verses 1 to 16; that I was to testify against the first Messenger of the Church of GOD in Laodicea and that he would die for his sins from refusing to repent and that his son would take over the Church of GOD. That was the message of my ordination as a Watchman Messenger of GOD but I (from that time until 2012 C.E.) did not think much about it nor actually fully understood it.
I only just thought that I was to testify to the first Laodicea Messenger and that he would die for his sins from his refusal to repent and that his son would take over the Church of GOD. And that was it, or so I thought at that time until 2012 C.E. which was then that it dawn on me on reflection what it all meant, what GOD was actually saying to me in that dream vision.
After I was kicked out of his (2 Thessalonians 2:4 second half of that verse) Church of GOD by the Worthless Shepherd through his lackey, I was pretty much settled to my fate and thought that I will eventually die as a Christian in limbo (i.e. adrift).
But then my (only) daughter (since estranged) went onto (signed up in) the Microsoft (failed) venture into social media, Windows Spaces Live. In order to educated my daughter (who was then living with her mother) of my Christian faith and worship, I started a blog on that platform which would eventually shifted to Blogger and become this work when that platform or portal, shutdown.
With the failure of Windows Spaces Live, I shifted my blog to Blogger expanding it into seven blogs: A Christian Pilgrimage, The Holy Bible Expounded, End of the World, The Scripture of Truth, Living by Every Word (of GOD), The Relationship Connection and Parables Of The Bible (since taken private) of this work.
What started out as an avenue to educate my daughter on my Christian calling, faith and worship would (on the move to Blogger) become the vehicle for me to share my beliefs on the Truth from GOD. At the onset it was not supposed to be anything heavy but mostly for light reading (i.e. a beginners level on the Christian calling and faith, as appropriate for a twelve/thirteen years old), just sharing some basic and simple truth that is the Christian beliefs.
But all that changed in 2012 C.E. when GOD (finally) opened my understanding to HIS role and job (the full scope) for me as HIS Watchman Messenger to the Church of GOD (the members individually as well as a whole), all the Elect (both inside and outside of the one true Church of GOD), as well as to all the world (as a warning) including all those GOD are calling in this End of the Age.
Yes until 2012 C.E. when GOD opened my eyes to finally understand what the dream vision of February 1995 C.E. fully meant, I was sadly such a total clueless clod. Essentially a total massive moron from failing to understand the very clear dream vision of my 1995 C.E. ordination. To this day, I still marvel at how incredulous massively stupid and clueless I was.
And today since November 2009 C.E. you have this literally one lone voice of Truth which GOD has raised and sent, crying out in the wilderness of this world overflowing with very brazen lies and wickedness, calling on all to repent.
That (all the above) is the reason you (the reader) are reading all this here today. and I do hope that you are truly (as opposed to in self deception brazenly lying to yourself that you are sincere when nothing can be further from the truth) and sincerely seeking GOD to do what is good and right in HIS eyes;
Then you will appreciate and be greatly thankful that the truth of GOD and the mystery of the Kingdom hidden since the foundation of the world have being made available to you, disclosed, discussed and explained in explicative clarity such that no one sane (and never mind all the lust driven near totally insane) could fail to understand and appreciate, to then fully and swiftly turn in complete repentance towards GOD and to seek out the one (John 13:20; Matthew 3:1; John 5:38 – 40; 6:37, 45) whom GOD has raised up to turn you from the broad way that leads to perdition, unto the straight and narrow way that leads to eternal life.
∎ Updated 2022 10 08
Special Note
Please note that all discussions by this author are based on a general non expert assessment of information gathered from material published in the public domain (i,e, readily available to members of the public). All of this author's discussions are presented as material for any and all lay person with no special expertise. Anyone twelve years of age and older, who is not mentally incapacitated in some ways, would (or should anyway) be able to understand any and all the discussions of this author. You do not need to be an expert or a genius to understand the simple and straight forward truths discussed by this author.
The main basis of all this author's discussion is to the original inspired text of the Christian Holy Scriptures sourced from material currently (at time of the post) publicly available as ‘translated’ text in numerous version of the Christian Bible, and also Strong Exhaustive Concordance of the King James Version. The discussion focus and context is with respect to this author's Christian faith and beliefs through the calling of ALMIGHTY GOD to the baptism of repentance into the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS of the Christian Bible Gospel's accounts.
The referenced sources for all other religions and systems of belief (hereafter referred to as the Referenced Sources), are to materials freely available and published online on the World Wide Web and other service protocols on the Internet. These are published by either: the generally proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters; or the self proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters of such beliefs and religions; as well as of all others who published dissertations and discussions on these system of beliefs and religions whether presented as biased or unbiased discussion, dissertations or compilations.
The materials directly and specifically attributed to, as sources that form the basis to this author's discussions topics are by no means all the sources referenced by this author but just a small sampling of such information that are accurate contextual representations of what is widely published.
Anyone who dispute the accuracy or truthfulness of the discussions, dissertations and assertions with regards to other religions and systems of beliefs (other than the true Christian faith of this author) are requested to take the matter up with the Reference Sources.
This author at no point claimed to be discussing the original work of the originators of any other religions or system of beliefs other than the Christian Faith by the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS. All discussions of other religions and system of beliefs are based solely on what have been published and were available prior to at the time the discussion was posted, and attributed to the Referenced Sources.
Please bear in mind that almost all the Referenced Sources of nearly all religions and system of beliefs varied their doctrines, assertions and teachings significantly from time to time through the course of human history, as well as by their various and differing members of those who are the contemporary proclaimed and acclaimed experts, authorities and/or masters of these religions and systems of beliefs, whether they are those generally acknowledged by the human social order and/or those who claimed affiliations to these religions and systems of beliefs, or those who are self appointed. Therefore if anyone finds any discussion by this author of these religions and systems of beliefs to be inaccurate, they should refer back to those materials published on these religions and system of beliefs that were contemporary to the date the discussion was first posted.
The main basis of all this author's discussion is to the original inspired text of the Christian Holy Scriptures sourced from material currently (at time of the post) publicly available as ‘translated’ text in numerous version of the Christian Bible, and also Strong Exhaustive Concordance of the King James Version. The discussion focus and context is with respect to this author's Christian faith and beliefs through the calling of ALMIGHTY GOD to the baptism of repentance into the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS of the Christian Bible Gospel's accounts.
The referenced sources for all other religions and systems of belief (hereafter referred to as the Referenced Sources), are to materials freely available and published online on the World Wide Web and other service protocols on the Internet. These are published by either: the generally proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters; or the self proclaimed, acclaimed and acknowledged experts and masters of such beliefs and religions; as well as of all others who published dissertations and discussions on these system of beliefs and religions whether presented as biased or unbiased discussion, dissertations or compilations.
The materials directly and specifically attributed to, as sources that form the basis to this author's discussions topics are by no means all the sources referenced by this author but just a small sampling of such information that are accurate contextual representations of what is widely published.
Anyone who dispute the accuracy or truthfulness of the discussions, dissertations and assertions with regards to other religions and systems of beliefs (other than the true Christian faith of this author) are requested to take the matter up with the Reference Sources.
This author at no point claimed to be discussing the original work of the originators of any other religions or system of beliefs other than the Christian Faith by the Everlasting Covenant mediated by LORD JESUS. All discussions of other religions and system of beliefs are based solely on what have been published and were available prior to at the time the discussion was posted, and attributed to the Referenced Sources.
Please bear in mind that almost all the Referenced Sources of nearly all religions and system of beliefs varied their doctrines, assertions and teachings significantly from time to time through the course of human history, as well as by their various and differing members of those who are the contemporary proclaimed and acclaimed experts, authorities and/or masters of these religions and systems of beliefs, whether they are those generally acknowledged by the human social order and/or those who claimed affiliations to these religions and systems of beliefs, or those who are self appointed. Therefore if anyone finds any discussion by this author of these religions and systems of beliefs to be inaccurate, they should refer back to those materials published on these religions and system of beliefs that were contemporary to the date the discussion was first posted.
First Posted: 2022 09 20
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