This blog is a partial reproduction of my earlier blogs (since no longer available) at another location from November 2008 to July 2009. New entries will be added once each series complete. This is a continuing record of my encounters in life. Anyone who is easily offended by strong views and superlative even hyperbole language should not read any of the blogs by this author.
Not meaning to offend anyone but needless to say these are not stuff for unbelievers who might be fazed by the connection of these writings to my religious understanding and convictions. For it is written, 'The carnal mind is enmity against GOD'.
So to those who find the Christian faith and worship (aka religion) of the Bible and believing in a CREATOR GOD ridiculous ideas please read no further, you have been repeatedly warned.
I am not writing this to discourage anyone from reading my blogs but to avoid offending the highly sensitive and easily offended population of the current social order that our enlightened society panders to and encourages. (Matthew 11:6; Luke 7:23).
Nor are these for the cluelessly arrogant who never having really checked out the reality of their meaningless life yet pronounced in their arrogance 'there is no god', not realizing that their "meaningful" life is just about as meaningful as that of a cockroach I stepped on the other day. Just like the cockroach they are here today and gone tomorrow.
So to those who find the Christian faith and worship (aka religion) of the Bible and believing in a CREATOR GOD ridiculous ideas please read no further, you have been repeatedly warned.
I am not writing this to discourage anyone from reading my blogs but to avoid offending the highly sensitive and easily offended population of the current social order that our enlightened society panders to and encourages. (Matthew 11:6; Luke 7:23).
Nor are these for the cluelessly arrogant who never having really checked out the reality of their meaningless life yet pronounced in their arrogance 'there is no god', not realizing that their "meaningful" life is just about as meaningful as that of a cockroach I stepped on the other day. Just like the cockroach they are here today and gone tomorrow.
As for many (not all) of those brilliant men and women of science and philosophy who ridiculed the Words of the living CREATOR GOD, tell me where were you when the physical universe was created and where will you be a hundred or so years from now. Are you not aware that your predecessors ridiculed many of the things you now know as facts? Like them you ridiculed the things you do not know anything about being puff up by what little that you know.
It is written 'knowledge puffs up' see if you can overcome that in yourself. Read my discussions on the human psyche and self-expediency that you might be enlightened about your own deceitful heart.
But for those men and women who realized that they are but dust and ashes, swept along by the currents andor winds of events and time outside of their control, this work offer a glimpse into a future beyond what the minds of humankind can fully grasp.
For those who are sincerely seeking for Truth and the meaning of life only to be confronted by or presented with utterly ridiculous religions and vain philosophies of this world, here is a chance for you (if you sincerely desire to learn) to truly understand the Word of the living CREATOR GOD, which had been translated into numerous heavily interpreted versions of the Christian Bible in numerous languages. A chance to fully grasp why you are here and what is your forever destiny if you so choose to want it, only if you would choose to want it (and never mind if you don't).
For those who are sincerely seeking for Truth and the meaning of life only to be confronted by or presented with utterly ridiculous religions and vain philosophies of this world, here is a chance for you (if you sincerely desire to learn) to truly understand the Word of the living CREATOR GOD, which had been translated into numerous heavily interpreted versions of the Christian Bible in numerous languages. A chance to fully grasp why you are here and what is your forever destiny if you so choose to want it, only if you would choose to want it (and never mind if you don't).
Added in 2022 06 18
Since the beginning of civilization and religions, humankind has taught of the God/Gods as either exactly like humankind living among the clouds either high on a mountain or in the sky. These God/Gods are essentially unstable (driven by emotions and their lust for power and even for sex with humankind) and very far from being all knowing being modelled after the human political model of kings and warriors (i.e. warring God/Gods always in some form of conflict). This is simply casting the Creator(s) in the image of the creature and if you think the Holy Christian Scriptures can be believed (and never mind if you don't or won't), has its root in the Nimrod the first king (i.e. political and military ruler) in the world of humankind who later (after his death) was worshiped as a God.
In the so called Abraham religions) all three of the main ones (including all their off-shoots, branch-offs, break-off and alternative) have proclaimed (in their explicit doctrines) of an all powerful, all knowing and all everywhere (i.e. omnipotent, omniscience and omnipresent) God who (in their implicit but very explicit doctrines) is none of these things (i.e. all powerful, all knowing and all everywhere) but one who is cluelessly clueless, mostly to totally powerless, vindictively sadistic and mostly nowhere at all when important events are happening, and generally not intelligent at all but on the contrary quite irrationally stupid (evident in all the things that these religions proclaimed and taught about this God/Gods of theirs).
But that is not the worst of it, the worst of it is almost invariably the God/Gods of the so called Abrahamic religions are cast according to the ignorance, lusts and stupidity of the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of these religions. Which is why their doctrines are often times in contradiction (i.e. some doctrines going against and invalidating others, and vice versa) and also make not rational sense (i.e. are irrational).
But that is fine as their discipleship are so totally lust driven that they will swallow up just about anything the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of these religions proclaim and decree no matter how insanely ridiculous and stupid, or contradictory. They don't look at anything especially religion and the concept of an all powerful, all knowing and all everywhere Creator God who is good, kind and merciful to make (rational and logical) sense.
And as with all human invented religions they steal concepts from the Holy Christian Scriptures (in parts and pieces, here and there) then without understand them (as indeed the Holy Christian Scriptures is written that with tons of symbols (as metaphors and analogies in allegories) and figure of speech so that the plagiarizers of its messages will be outed and exposed as the appointed time which this work has been doing.
These they then twist with lavish spins and fabrications, infusing them with doctrines of paganism (for a more universal appeal) that will allow them to rule with absolute authority as the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of God/Gods (conceptually as God in place of GOD) over their followers and disciples (the lust driven who chose to believe and obey them and their insanity seeded doctrines out of an over abundance of lusts).
All these evil religions explicitly blaspheme the name of the ALMIGHTY portraying HIM as vindictive, unrighteous, sadistic, unstable, a contradiction, quite cluelessly stupid, and even as evil through their blasphemous doctrines and teachings.
The pagan religion of Judaism has this doctrine of Satan the Devil as being a faithful servant of GOD caring out GOD's will. This explicitly evil doctrine of Judaism has GOD as getting HIS faithful servant doing HIS bidding to do evil thus explicitly saying that GOD is evil, commanding HIS servant to tempt humankind to do evil so that GOD can condemn humankind.
The Christmas religion for centuries (to this very day though now since this work highlighted this fact, most of the denominations of this evil religion including all of its branch-offs, off-shoots and break-offs no longer brazenly and explicitly (in order to get their discipleship to blaspheme GOD to the maximum) teach this doctrine) proclaimed that sex was the original sin, that Adam and Eve sinned when they had sex as commanded by GOD (Genesis 1:28, 2:24 – 25; Matthew 19:4 – 6; Mark 10:6 – 8). Then according to this evil blasphemous doctrine of the Christmas religion, GOD kicked them out of the Garden of Eden because they obeyed HIM, portraying GOD as an evil self glorifying and total contradiction.
{ editing in progress (this might take a while due to the current disability of the author) }
∎ Updated: 2022 07 07
Next Post: Random
Updates (history): 2013 09 06; 2021 05 29; 2022 06 18
First Posted: 2009 11 05
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